I don't wanna go back to school. I may be becoming a senior, but honestly, I just want summer to keep on going.
I've also been getting really into cosplay lately. This past month for some reason my friend K.B. got me into this group that does cosplay, I'm not even sure why or how, it just happened. It might be from me hanging out with J.P. in Boston a few times then it grew from there, but now I'm hanging out with all these people across the state and talking on Skype with them practically every day. We go into Boston like every week or so to just run around like idiots. It's really fun. I even met my current boyfriend through them! It was a total matchmaking game that worked out, but K.B. and J.P. smashed me in with this guy called J.R. saying he's also gay and we just meshed together. As it stands, it's kinda difficult for us to be together because he lives an hour away and neither of us can drive yet but we're finding ways. I still worry a little because we're still getting used to each other and- being as neither of us have been in relationships for a while- kinda flirty to other people. I'm still explaining to him that I will never cheat on him except for certain circumstances (Truth or Dare, King's Game, etc.) but it'll work out, I'm sure of it.
The song of the day is The Black Halo by Kamelot
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Monday, July 12, 2010
So I decided to go to ConnectiCon this weekend. I can say that I didn't regret in the slightest.
My mom and I actually headed down on Thursday, though the con opens on Friday. We decided to spend the day prepping for the con itself, because we've been going to cons together for 5 years and knew well enough to take a day off to just get ready because we're going to be drained by the end of the weekend.
Come Friday, I head in at like 7. I have no real plans because no one's really there until midday. At about 10, mom and I meet up to try to set up for Aardvark Tees in the dealer's room. We actually don't have dealers badges this time, so we get denied access for about an hour when the actual Aardvark people show up and bring us in to help out. We've known Aardvark for about 4 years now, so we are kinda close friends at this point.
The dealer's room opens at noon, so we're completely finished by about 11:45 and loiter around. A few minutes before noon, I decide to run to the Cyanide and Happiness booth. I knew only Matt would be there because he's posted it on the explosm website. Just as I sit down at the booth, people start swarming us. I fully intended to be just a person sitting around with Matt, but people started confusing me with the other writers of C+H. After a few minutes of people asking who I am, I finally say I'm Kris. Matt starts cracking up, and I decide to continue because we've deemed it funny. So, I start signing high-fives and drawing comics. They make people laugh and everyone's having a good time. I actually had mixed responses. One girl came up to me and when I told her I was Kris she proceeded to freak out and pretty much decided she was in love with me. Then begins the next five hours when she showed up every few minutes with a huge grin on her face. However, there was also a girl who instantly knew I wasn't Kris so we decided to act as normal.
Eventually, I head to the dance. This is not a dance, I guess. I would call it something of a rave. They're blasting music so loud you can hear it throughout most of the hotel and when you're on the dance floor you are literally pulsing from the sheer vibrations of the music. I start dancing with S.G who's this guy that I hooked up repeatedly during the day as it is, then we start making out and grinding on the dancefloor. I walk away a bit, then come back to dance with him some more. This guy called Nick comes over and we start dancing a bit.
So this is how I dance in text form. By myself or in a group/circle, I let my bellydance and stripping experience come into play. So, I'm very fluid and sensual, using my torso and arms most of the time. It's a very tight dance; I keep all parts of my body very close together most of the time, usually a few inches of seperation so I don't smack into anybody. When I'm in an open space, I start to branch out a little. Like on Saturday I got my hands on a cord and began to dance with it as if it was a poi. When I'm dancing with someone, I move my arms around just a little, let my hands explore their body and it's very calm. When I get ready to make out, I put my head very close to their neck and lean in so our torsos are touching. This is how Nick dances with people; bouncing around in their arms, flailing his head around so his hair whips you in the face, grinning at you (he needed a visit to the doctor terribly badly) and doing this crazy backbend that forces you to hold him. I hated that dance so much... He was a terrible kisser at that.
A bit of dancing by myself and in groups later, I start getting close to this kid who's really cute. I've seen him from afar and think he's really cute albeit a pretty bad dancer. Somehow we end up completely by ourselves and about five feet. We make eye contacts a little then start dancing towards each other very slowly. We then get cut off by a conga line and stare at each other like "...Wtf, really?" Eventually we are about a foot apart and I let my hand brush up against his side. He instantly jumps towards me and we start grinding. Then I honestly don't know which one of us started to kiss the other, but next thing I know we are hardcore making out and grinding on the dancefloor and hands up each other's shirts. This continued for like half an hour.
We eventually break it off then Nick jumps on me and we start dancing again, him because he wanted to and me because I felt obligated for one last dance with him before I leave. He then decides that it would turn me on if he starts choking me. I mean like erotic asphyxiation. On the middle of the dancefloor with my blood pressure soaring because of the extremely heavy beats and dancing. Needless to say I was freaking out a great deal inside. When I pushed his arm aside, he took the liberty of trying to make out with me. I drew the line there and headed off, making sure to kiss the cute kid Evan goodbye.
Come Saturday, I'm now in complete cybergoth. I feel fantastic, I love being in my cybergoth outfit because it's so loose yet so detailed. I head back downstairs and hang out with Matt from C+H a little who is just stunned because he never imagined I would pop up wearing fishnets. I guess so there, Matt.
Eventually, I get a text from J.T. asking if I'm going to this panel about the musical that happened the night before. This is the same J.T. that I had the beastly fight with in February and haven't talked to since then. I sent a email over to him a few days ago asking him about whether he wants his books back soon or not. I ended up not having the books and explained it to him but still offered the possibility of us hanging out at ConnectiCon since he apologized for being so over-the-top during the fight. I'm still stunned nontheless but head over. And there he is, sitting with two of the people I've been going crazy for months, M.C. and C.M. I've known both on Facebook for a while due to Facebook stalking, but only really talked to C.M. before. I fully anticipated M.C. to have a voice similar to mine just by his appearance, but it turns out his voice is pretty high-pitched. I proceed to hang out with them a little and C.M. eventually reveals he's been sleeping in his car for the con. I offer him a shower in my room, which he takes up. One shower later, I head into the bathroom to see him half-naked and I take out my contacts and wipe off some of my makeup for tonight, because I know I'll be sweating up a storm and I don't trust my eyeshadow. Part of me wishes I flirted with him more obviously, but we ended up not doing anything together and just went to the rave.
We start dancing as a group because he told me before that he only dances by himself during raves and I wanted to respect that. J.T. and M.C. show up and we start dancing in a group, C.M. drifting off every once in a while. We all decide to go get a drink, and M.C. starts texting like crazy. I ask him if he's even going to dance, and he says probably. We head back, and I start dancing with him. No making out, though. He heads off, J.T. and I start dancing as a group a little, I try to dance with him but he just hugs me and says that he's messing with me so I don't bother. Eventually, Nick decides to get close. I tense up and tell J.T. about what happened the night before. So whenever Nick got close we started dancing together. Eventually, J.T. and M.C. had to leave, so we all headed over to C.M. for them to say goodbye. Turns out that Nick was there as well trying to dance with C.M. J.T. and I instantly snap into acting as boyfriends as a protection maneuver, which completely confuses M.C. but I give him a look that said "Not really." Eventually, it comes to the end. I still haven't danced with C.M. but I see that Nick starts dancing and ends up making out with him. I am fully ready to punch both of them; C.M. for probably lying to me and Nick for being just disgusting. I leave and get ready for the next day.
Sunday is fairly nondescriptive. I hang out with J.T. a little, talk to C.M. a little, say bye to Matt and head out at about 3.
I would have to say this weekend was amazing. Friday was based off of sex, Saturday off of friendship, and Sunday out of recovery. If we break it down to what mainly happened, I mean. I have to say I greatly enjoyed it!
The song of the day is Ghost Opera by Kamelot
My mom and I actually headed down on Thursday, though the con opens on Friday. We decided to spend the day prepping for the con itself, because we've been going to cons together for 5 years and knew well enough to take a day off to just get ready because we're going to be drained by the end of the weekend.
Come Friday, I head in at like 7. I have no real plans because no one's really there until midday. At about 10, mom and I meet up to try to set up for Aardvark Tees in the dealer's room. We actually don't have dealers badges this time, so we get denied access for about an hour when the actual Aardvark people show up and bring us in to help out. We've known Aardvark for about 4 years now, so we are kinda close friends at this point.
The dealer's room opens at noon, so we're completely finished by about 11:45 and loiter around. A few minutes before noon, I decide to run to the Cyanide and Happiness booth. I knew only Matt would be there because he's posted it on the explosm website. Just as I sit down at the booth, people start swarming us. I fully intended to be just a person sitting around with Matt, but people started confusing me with the other writers of C+H. After a few minutes of people asking who I am, I finally say I'm Kris. Matt starts cracking up, and I decide to continue because we've deemed it funny. So, I start signing high-fives and drawing comics. They make people laugh and everyone's having a good time. I actually had mixed responses. One girl came up to me and when I told her I was Kris she proceeded to freak out and pretty much decided she was in love with me. Then begins the next five hours when she showed up every few minutes with a huge grin on her face. However, there was also a girl who instantly knew I wasn't Kris so we decided to act as normal.
Eventually, I head to the dance. This is not a dance, I guess. I would call it something of a rave. They're blasting music so loud you can hear it throughout most of the hotel and when you're on the dance floor you are literally pulsing from the sheer vibrations of the music. I start dancing with S.G who's this guy that I hooked up repeatedly during the day as it is, then we start making out and grinding on the dancefloor. I walk away a bit, then come back to dance with him some more. This guy called Nick comes over and we start dancing a bit.
So this is how I dance in text form. By myself or in a group/circle, I let my bellydance and stripping experience come into play. So, I'm very fluid and sensual, using my torso and arms most of the time. It's a very tight dance; I keep all parts of my body very close together most of the time, usually a few inches of seperation so I don't smack into anybody. When I'm in an open space, I start to branch out a little. Like on Saturday I got my hands on a cord and began to dance with it as if it was a poi. When I'm dancing with someone, I move my arms around just a little, let my hands explore their body and it's very calm. When I get ready to make out, I put my head very close to their neck and lean in so our torsos are touching. This is how Nick dances with people; bouncing around in their arms, flailing his head around so his hair whips you in the face, grinning at you (he needed a visit to the doctor terribly badly) and doing this crazy backbend that forces you to hold him. I hated that dance so much... He was a terrible kisser at that.
A bit of dancing by myself and in groups later, I start getting close to this kid who's really cute. I've seen him from afar and think he's really cute albeit a pretty bad dancer. Somehow we end up completely by ourselves and about five feet. We make eye contacts a little then start dancing towards each other very slowly. We then get cut off by a conga line and stare at each other like "...Wtf, really?" Eventually we are about a foot apart and I let my hand brush up against his side. He instantly jumps towards me and we start grinding. Then I honestly don't know which one of us started to kiss the other, but next thing I know we are hardcore making out and grinding on the dancefloor and hands up each other's shirts. This continued for like half an hour.
We eventually break it off then Nick jumps on me and we start dancing again, him because he wanted to and me because I felt obligated for one last dance with him before I leave. He then decides that it would turn me on if he starts choking me. I mean like erotic asphyxiation. On the middle of the dancefloor with my blood pressure soaring because of the extremely heavy beats and dancing. Needless to say I was freaking out a great deal inside. When I pushed his arm aside, he took the liberty of trying to make out with me. I drew the line there and headed off, making sure to kiss the cute kid Evan goodbye.
Come Saturday, I'm now in complete cybergoth. I feel fantastic, I love being in my cybergoth outfit because it's so loose yet so detailed. I head back downstairs and hang out with Matt from C+H a little who is just stunned because he never imagined I would pop up wearing fishnets. I guess so there, Matt.
Eventually, I get a text from J.T. asking if I'm going to this panel about the musical that happened the night before. This is the same J.T. that I had the beastly fight with in February and haven't talked to since then. I sent a email over to him a few days ago asking him about whether he wants his books back soon or not. I ended up not having the books and explained it to him but still offered the possibility of us hanging out at ConnectiCon since he apologized for being so over-the-top during the fight. I'm still stunned nontheless but head over. And there he is, sitting with two of the people I've been going crazy for months, M.C. and C.M. I've known both on Facebook for a while due to Facebook stalking, but only really talked to C.M. before. I fully anticipated M.C. to have a voice similar to mine just by his appearance, but it turns out his voice is pretty high-pitched. I proceed to hang out with them a little and C.M. eventually reveals he's been sleeping in his car for the con. I offer him a shower in my room, which he takes up. One shower later, I head into the bathroom to see him half-naked and I take out my contacts and wipe off some of my makeup for tonight, because I know I'll be sweating up a storm and I don't trust my eyeshadow. Part of me wishes I flirted with him more obviously, but we ended up not doing anything together and just went to the rave.
We start dancing as a group because he told me before that he only dances by himself during raves and I wanted to respect that. J.T. and M.C. show up and we start dancing in a group, C.M. drifting off every once in a while. We all decide to go get a drink, and M.C. starts texting like crazy. I ask him if he's even going to dance, and he says probably. We head back, and I start dancing with him. No making out, though. He heads off, J.T. and I start dancing as a group a little, I try to dance with him but he just hugs me and says that he's messing with me so I don't bother. Eventually, Nick decides to get close. I tense up and tell J.T. about what happened the night before. So whenever Nick got close we started dancing together. Eventually, J.T. and M.C. had to leave, so we all headed over to C.M. for them to say goodbye. Turns out that Nick was there as well trying to dance with C.M. J.T. and I instantly snap into acting as boyfriends as a protection maneuver, which completely confuses M.C. but I give him a look that said "Not really." Eventually, it comes to the end. I still haven't danced with C.M. but I see that Nick starts dancing and ends up making out with him. I am fully ready to punch both of them; C.M. for probably lying to me and Nick for being just disgusting. I leave and get ready for the next day.
Sunday is fairly nondescriptive. I hang out with J.T. a little, talk to C.M. a little, say bye to Matt and head out at about 3.
I would have to say this weekend was amazing. Friday was based off of sex, Saturday off of friendship, and Sunday out of recovery. If we break it down to what mainly happened, I mean. I have to say I greatly enjoyed it!
The song of the day is Ghost Opera by Kamelot
Saturday, June 19, 2010
So yesterday I got really bored and decided to jump onto Chatroulette. Now, as some of you may know the website is starting up a penis recognition software that will block any dick-lurkers on the site. I decided to see if it's working and jumped on. Mind you, this is just about midnight. Five minutes and running through about half a million ads later, I end up with this really cute guy holding up a sign saying "I'm a boy." We end up talking, and then flirting, and then talking some more. By 3 in the morning, we were still talking, had each other's facebooks and skypes. We didn't stop talking until about 6 in the morning, when both of us kinda passed out. It was very interesting talking to him, because he actually lives in Brazil in my time zone so we were constantly figuring out the colloquialisms for each other's areas. For example, "-Q" is the equivalent of "lol"
It was very fun and the longest conversation I think I've ever had online, which is hysterical because it was with someone I never even met before. We're now blabbing on facebook a ton, so the world is happy.
Also, earlier today I decided to start studying for my Chinese final on Monday. Normally I would just open my textbook to a random chapter and start reading everything, but since I'm in my dad's house I really don't get the option to do that. So, I remembered of a website called Youku.com, which I think is the Chinese equivalent of Youtube. I go on and start watching this random Chinese kid's video. Two seconds into the movie, they whip out entirely Spanish opening credits. I was completely confused, but skipped ahead to see if it was in Spanish. It turns out to be Chinese with Spanish subtitles. I'm now sitting there utterly lost because I forgot that kid movies involve people running around at high speeds and talking like a fuckin' machine gun. Apparently in Asia, this is the norm so they decided to crank up the speed. When I say speed I'm insinuating that they snorted up some 'speed' or 'crack' and decided to start voice acting these characters on LSD. I'm now trying to read the Spanish subtitles and listen to this Chinese jargon that sounds like one gigantic word (I mean by it sounds like "喂我不喜欢说汉语还是说西半语我喜欢吃男朋友和小孩子分你们都不认识这个汉字你妈妈FUCKYOUALL." Yeah, you understand that? Neither do I.) when my dad and stepmom decide to run in. If that doesn't make anything better, my stepmom also likes to scream out in her native language: Finnish.
Dad: We're going to Walmart! 8D
Tarja: Jöö, tuttanne sinä vittupää!
Video: 你喜欢吸烟吗我喜欢跟我来我们喜欢五十年!
Subtitles: Me gusta comer mucho pene!
Tarja: Let's go to Walmart! 8D Sinä olet hoora!
Video: 你们都吸男还是吃男我不认识为什么吃男太好了!
Subtitles: Chuleta de cerdo?
To make things worse, I think the ad to the right of the video was in Japanese... I have such a huge headache now.
The song of the day is Jazz Horse from Weebls-Stuff.com
It was very fun and the longest conversation I think I've ever had online, which is hysterical because it was with someone I never even met before. We're now blabbing on facebook a ton, so the world is happy.
Also, earlier today I decided to start studying for my Chinese final on Monday. Normally I would just open my textbook to a random chapter and start reading everything, but since I'm in my dad's house I really don't get the option to do that. So, I remembered of a website called Youku.com, which I think is the Chinese equivalent of Youtube. I go on and start watching this random Chinese kid's video. Two seconds into the movie, they whip out entirely Spanish opening credits. I was completely confused, but skipped ahead to see if it was in Spanish. It turns out to be Chinese with Spanish subtitles. I'm now sitting there utterly lost because I forgot that kid movies involve people running around at high speeds and talking like a fuckin' machine gun. Apparently in Asia, this is the norm so they decided to crank up the speed. When I say speed I'm insinuating that they snorted up some 'speed' or 'crack' and decided to start voice acting these characters on LSD. I'm now trying to read the Spanish subtitles and listen to this Chinese jargon that sounds like one gigantic word (I mean by it sounds like "喂我不喜欢说汉语还是说西半语我喜欢吃男朋友和小孩子分你们都不认识这个汉字你妈妈FUCKYOUALL." Yeah, you understand that? Neither do I.) when my dad and stepmom decide to run in. If that doesn't make anything better, my stepmom also likes to scream out in her native language: Finnish.
Dad: We're going to Walmart! 8D
Tarja: Jöö, tuttanne sinä vittupää!
Video: 你喜欢吸烟吗我喜欢跟我来我们喜欢五十年!
Subtitles: Me gusta comer mucho pene!
Tarja: Let's go to Walmart! 8D Sinä olet hoora!
Video: 你们都吸男还是吃男我不认识为什么吃男太好了!
Subtitles: Chuleta de cerdo?
To make things worse, I think the ad to the right of the video was in Japanese... I have such a huge headache now.
The song of the day is Jazz Horse from Weebls-Stuff.com
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Gay Pride!
Saturday was Gay Pride Parade.
I woke up at 6 to get into full cybergoth, which involved tons of shaving and putting on makeup. The entire process took about 2.5 hours but came out INCREDIBLE. I had so many compliments on pretty much every aspect of my outfit, which made me feel good because this is my first time going nearly entirely full-cyber. The only thing I was missing was a surgeon mask, which was intentional because it's not so easy speaking in them and I don't want to worry about where it is at any given time.
I get to the parade at about 10ish, no one's there by this time because it actually begins at like 11:30. After about an hour of waiting, people start popping up out of nowhere. The thing about gay pride parades you always hear about but don't really have a clue of what the reality is like is the way people truly are. I'm in nearly full cybergoth, like tons of makeup, fishnets, black and white stripes, blue hair, and I look sane compared to some of these people. I saw people dressed up as horses driving people around, the most insane drag (like harlequin-esque drag, ones with tons of feathers, etc.), people dressed up as insects on stilts, and so much more.
At like 11:15, I was talking to J.F. (who I'm pretty sure hates me because I'm constantly in like this pre-dating stage with A.H-O. where we will hold hands and cuddle and flirt for no reason and J.F. clearly likes A.H-O. a great deal. I kinda feel like J.F.'s T.B., which is very infuriating for me and I feel so sorry for him.) and my chorus teacher M.M. walks up out of nowhere. I stare at him blankly for a couple seconds.
Me: Mr. M.?!
Mr. M.: *Stares at me* Alex?! Wow, you look... different!
Me: Yeah, I decided to go cybergoth today, which is why my hair's not red right now.
Mr. M.: Wow...
Me: So what are you doing here?
Mr. M.: Well, I'm hanging out with a few friends.
Me: Marching?
It was kinda awkward, kinda awesome at the same time.
Parade aside because it's just kinda generic for me by now, we finish in front of city hall at some kind of fair thing, which is where Gay Pride continues. My group and I RUN to the nearest abandoned booth and set up shop there because it's on the verge of pouring at this time. Two minutes later it begins. I spend the next half hour curled up in this little booth next to the Cirque Du Soleil people, when it finally lets up. During this time I took off my wig because it's just a pain to take care of if there's constant rain. When the rain cleared up, I went out with A.F. and a few other people, ran into some guy called Colby, instantly wanted to just throw myself at him (Like this guy was smoking hot and goth)
Eventually A.H-O. called and I gave him directions to our area because he was busy dealing with shit for the past few hours.
A.H.: Where am I?!
Me: Government center.
A.H.: I'm outside, where are you?!
Me: What do you see?
A.H.: I see a huge rainbow arch.
A.H.: It's away from the city hall!
A.H.: I don't know! I'm outside it!
Me: Do you see fishnets?!
A.H.: Oh, okay. I see you.
Me: *Head/cellphone*
We then proceed to spend the next long while hanging out. After a while I mention how horny I am and how I want to get fucked today. We start talking a bit about sex, then I bring up how I would love to have sex with him but figure that he wouldn't be interested. He responds with "I am pretty interested, but there's just a couple complications I have about it." He proceeds to list them, which makes no sense to me but whatever.
Time passes, we run into a few people including this girl called AI, J.F., and A.F. We spend the next couple hours talking with these people, I try to find a place when I can ask A.H-O. if he does want to have sex before we go to this club that night, which I don't. At some point, a couple guys from our group show up and we talk with them. I go behind A.H-O. and wrap my arms around him, then we start holding hands for about 10 minutes. It was really... nice. It's one of those things that I love; holding hands. It's completely platonic yet so intimate at the same time. I wish we held hands for longer, but J.F. was starting to look all upset and A.H-O. let go upon noticing his facial expression.
This entire time I'm extremely cold. I'm in mostly fishnets and thin clothes, with the exception of combat boots and tripp shorts, and it's about 60 degrees out and windy. C.F. shows up and starts to hit on me. I let him because he's incredibly warm and when he wraps his arms around me I become all toasty. I also borrow A.H-O's jacket along the way. According to C.F. (who's kind of a nymphomaniac), I have the perfect butt for bottoming, which makes me feel pretty proud of my butt.
More time passes, A.F., AI, A.H-O. and I head off to this gay youth club. We hang out some more, J.F. pops up out of nowhere. I ask A.H-O. again if he's interested in sex, he repeats that he has complications, so I just let it drop.
Moving ahead, we got into the club as the first people. It was strangely empty, which made sense because we WERE the first people in there, but still. People started trickling in over time, and I started grinding with A.F.
The entire club thing wasn't that exciting in itself with the exception of awkward meetings with people from my school and being called out by Sariah (apparently semi-famous musician, constantly heard in Abercrombie & Fitch) for my makeup, so let's fast forward to 10ish.
A.H-O, a few people and I leave the club to get to the train station. This kid David's train leaves in fifteen minutes at the station about 10 minutes away, so he starts running. We start running after him, and mid-travel we start talking. Somewhere along the line, David asks A.H-O. and I if we're dating. My eyes just bug out and A.H-O. was just like "Uhh... no." Eventually we get to the place outside of the train station and David runs ahead in a panic. A.H-O. and I hang back a little and hold each other a little, ending in a kiss goodbye. Now I'm just effin' confused about whether A.H-O. is interested in me or is stringing me along, because he's a sexaholic but won't sleep with me, will cuddle and hold hands with me, kiss me goodbye, but he also will hold hands and cuddle with girls. I'm just annoyed at my confusion because it makes me feel pathetic. Gods dammit, I hate liking people.
So, I'm at the subway station with David, he's freaking shit because his train leaves in like 10 minutes and the subway takes about that time to get to the train station. Suddenly, this guy pops up behind us.
(So you know, quotations will be David and I whispering to each other)
Guy: Hey, I remember you! You were wearing that makeup at the gay pride parade!
Me: Yeah, small world!
David: *Immediately starts giggling nervously*
Guy: Yeah, that was a fun parade. And I see you met someone!
David: Yeah, hi. (Do you know this guy?)
Me: (Not a fucking clue, fucking SKETCH.) Yup, we met at the club.
Guy: Oooh, nice. And I see you're going the same way. Meeting up at his house, eh? *Points at David and winks, nudges me a little with his elbow*
Me: Yeah, something like that.
David: *Starts seriously curling in a little ball giggling.
Guy: Have any plans for tonight?
Me: Not sure... *Starts playing along with Guy* Maybe head off with this guy. (Why is he so INTERESTED?!)
David: (I don't know!)
This continues on for a little while, and eventually the subway shows up so David and I start full-on charging into the subway hoping that Guy is going on the one going the opposite direction. He does, so we're happy. Well, I am. David's pissed and letting everyone know because his train leaves in a few minutes and the subway doors are refusing to close.
We eventually get to the train station, I discover that the next train to my town leaves at 11:30, it's about 10:30, and his train is still boarding for some reason. He leaves, I just sit down and wait.
12:30 comes, I finally enter the doorway to my house. My mom is pissed that I was half an hour late without any notice (my cell died around 9 and no one was going to lend me their phone) so now I can't go to group meeting on Wednesday.
I absolutely loved Saturday except for one thing: now I don't know how A.H-O. thinks of me. I want to ask him, but I'm worried that it would just jeopardize the friendship and I risked that enough by asking for sex. I hate this kind of limbo stage... I might just ask K.V. or T.K-H. to talk to him and ask what he feels for me, because they're the awesome girl friends that could probably find out.
The song of the day is without a doubt "Deep N Luv" by Sariah, because this was the awesome performance she did Saturday night.
I woke up at 6 to get into full cybergoth, which involved tons of shaving and putting on makeup. The entire process took about 2.5 hours but came out INCREDIBLE. I had so many compliments on pretty much every aspect of my outfit, which made me feel good because this is my first time going nearly entirely full-cyber. The only thing I was missing was a surgeon mask, which was intentional because it's not so easy speaking in them and I don't want to worry about where it is at any given time.
I get to the parade at about 10ish, no one's there by this time because it actually begins at like 11:30. After about an hour of waiting, people start popping up out of nowhere. The thing about gay pride parades you always hear about but don't really have a clue of what the reality is like is the way people truly are. I'm in nearly full cybergoth, like tons of makeup, fishnets, black and white stripes, blue hair, and I look sane compared to some of these people. I saw people dressed up as horses driving people around, the most insane drag (like harlequin-esque drag, ones with tons of feathers, etc.), people dressed up as insects on stilts, and so much more.
At like 11:15, I was talking to J.F. (who I'm pretty sure hates me because I'm constantly in like this pre-dating stage with A.H-O. where we will hold hands and cuddle and flirt for no reason and J.F. clearly likes A.H-O. a great deal. I kinda feel like J.F.'s T.B., which is very infuriating for me and I feel so sorry for him.) and my chorus teacher M.M. walks up out of nowhere. I stare at him blankly for a couple seconds.
Me: Mr. M.?!
Mr. M.: *Stares at me* Alex?! Wow, you look... different!
Me: Yeah, I decided to go cybergoth today, which is why my hair's not red right now.
Mr. M.: Wow...
Me: So what are you doing here?
Mr. M.: Well, I'm hanging out with a few friends.
Me: Marching?
It was kinda awkward, kinda awesome at the same time.
Parade aside because it's just kinda generic for me by now, we finish in front of city hall at some kind of fair thing, which is where Gay Pride continues. My group and I RUN to the nearest abandoned booth and set up shop there because it's on the verge of pouring at this time. Two minutes later it begins. I spend the next half hour curled up in this little booth next to the Cirque Du Soleil people, when it finally lets up. During this time I took off my wig because it's just a pain to take care of if there's constant rain. When the rain cleared up, I went out with A.F. and a few other people, ran into some guy called Colby, instantly wanted to just throw myself at him (Like this guy was smoking hot and goth)
Eventually A.H-O. called and I gave him directions to our area because he was busy dealing with shit for the past few hours.
A.H.: Where am I?!
Me: Government center.
A.H.: I'm outside, where are you?!
Me: What do you see?
A.H.: I see a huge rainbow arch.
A.H.: It's away from the city hall!
A.H.: I don't know! I'm outside it!
Me: Do you see fishnets?!
A.H.: Oh, okay. I see you.
Me: *Head/cellphone*
We then proceed to spend the next long while hanging out. After a while I mention how horny I am and how I want to get fucked today. We start talking a bit about sex, then I bring up how I would love to have sex with him but figure that he wouldn't be interested. He responds with "I am pretty interested, but there's just a couple complications I have about it." He proceeds to list them, which makes no sense to me but whatever.
Time passes, we run into a few people including this girl called AI, J.F., and A.F. We spend the next couple hours talking with these people, I try to find a place when I can ask A.H-O. if he does want to have sex before we go to this club that night, which I don't. At some point, a couple guys from our group show up and we talk with them. I go behind A.H-O. and wrap my arms around him, then we start holding hands for about 10 minutes. It was really... nice. It's one of those things that I love; holding hands. It's completely platonic yet so intimate at the same time. I wish we held hands for longer, but J.F. was starting to look all upset and A.H-O. let go upon noticing his facial expression.
This entire time I'm extremely cold. I'm in mostly fishnets and thin clothes, with the exception of combat boots and tripp shorts, and it's about 60 degrees out and windy. C.F. shows up and starts to hit on me. I let him because he's incredibly warm and when he wraps his arms around me I become all toasty. I also borrow A.H-O's jacket along the way. According to C.F. (who's kind of a nymphomaniac), I have the perfect butt for bottoming, which makes me feel pretty proud of my butt.
More time passes, A.F., AI, A.H-O. and I head off to this gay youth club. We hang out some more, J.F. pops up out of nowhere. I ask A.H-O. again if he's interested in sex, he repeats that he has complications, so I just let it drop.
Moving ahead, we got into the club as the first people. It was strangely empty, which made sense because we WERE the first people in there, but still. People started trickling in over time, and I started grinding with A.F.
The entire club thing wasn't that exciting in itself with the exception of awkward meetings with people from my school and being called out by Sariah (apparently semi-famous musician, constantly heard in Abercrombie & Fitch) for my makeup, so let's fast forward to 10ish.
A.H-O, a few people and I leave the club to get to the train station. This kid David's train leaves in fifteen minutes at the station about 10 minutes away, so he starts running. We start running after him, and mid-travel we start talking. Somewhere along the line, David asks A.H-O. and I if we're dating. My eyes just bug out and A.H-O. was just like "Uhh... no." Eventually we get to the place outside of the train station and David runs ahead in a panic. A.H-O. and I hang back a little and hold each other a little, ending in a kiss goodbye. Now I'm just effin' confused about whether A.H-O. is interested in me or is stringing me along, because he's a sexaholic but won't sleep with me, will cuddle and hold hands with me, kiss me goodbye, but he also will hold hands and cuddle with girls. I'm just annoyed at my confusion because it makes me feel pathetic. Gods dammit, I hate liking people.
So, I'm at the subway station with David, he's freaking shit because his train leaves in like 10 minutes and the subway takes about that time to get to the train station. Suddenly, this guy pops up behind us.
(So you know, quotations will be David and I whispering to each other)
Guy: Hey, I remember you! You were wearing that makeup at the gay pride parade!
Me: Yeah, small world!
David: *Immediately starts giggling nervously*
Guy: Yeah, that was a fun parade. And I see you met someone!
David: Yeah, hi. (Do you know this guy?)
Me: (Not a fucking clue, fucking SKETCH.) Yup, we met at the club.
Guy: Oooh, nice. And I see you're going the same way. Meeting up at his house, eh? *Points at David and winks, nudges me a little with his elbow*
Me: Yeah, something like that.
David: *Starts seriously curling in a little ball giggling.
Guy: Have any plans for tonight?
Me: Not sure... *Starts playing along with Guy* Maybe head off with this guy. (Why is he so INTERESTED?!)
David: (I don't know!)
This continues on for a little while, and eventually the subway shows up so David and I start full-on charging into the subway hoping that Guy is going on the one going the opposite direction. He does, so we're happy. Well, I am. David's pissed and letting everyone know because his train leaves in a few minutes and the subway doors are refusing to close.
We eventually get to the train station, I discover that the next train to my town leaves at 11:30, it's about 10:30, and his train is still boarding for some reason. He leaves, I just sit down and wait.
12:30 comes, I finally enter the doorway to my house. My mom is pissed that I was half an hour late without any notice (my cell died around 9 and no one was going to lend me their phone) so now I can't go to group meeting on Wednesday.
I absolutely loved Saturday except for one thing: now I don't know how A.H-O. thinks of me. I want to ask him, but I'm worried that it would just jeopardize the friendship and I risked that enough by asking for sex. I hate this kind of limbo stage... I might just ask K.V. or T.K-H. to talk to him and ask what he feels for me, because they're the awesome girl friends that could probably find out.
The song of the day is without a doubt "Deep N Luv" by Sariah, because this was the awesome performance she did Saturday night.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
You guys probably all know about how much I hit on people. It's fun for me, makes me feel alive and attractive. Especially when I get something back. A.F. is someone who makes me feel alive, because we are able to act as friends but when we're alone then we start making out and being in each other's arms. A.H-O. is someone I actually like, I text him from time to time, I'm trying to start calling him, and I throw in the occasional flirt every once in a while despite the fact that it'll probably never work out. A.Z. is someone that I flirt with just for the hell of it, maybe because he'd be good for a hookup or a date. G.R. is someone that I flirt with over the internet just for the hell of it.
However, there's one guy who above everyone else that I feel the most regret for. J.T. used to be one of my closest friends, I could tell him about anything and he wouldn't care. He knows some of the worst things I've ever done and he looked past it. The problem is that he changed when he went to college. Before he used to be extremely sweet and a bit of a pushover, but when he noticed the latter he started to close himself off and become more...argumentative. It became a huge struggle just to say "Hi" to him and he always acted as if he was always wanted by a million people, that he was always busy going to people's houses. It hurt, I wanted to feel like I was the friend at the moment, not the plans with Hannah or Michelle. I knew it was selfish of me, but it does hurt a little when the phone suddenly rings and he's like "OH, SHIT. I need to go to. Sorry, Alex!" then drops me off to disappear for another week.
About five months ago, I got sick of the difficulty it takes to even hang out with him. I told him about how I just want a little more contact between us, even just a text every once in a while saying "Hey, I miss you." He flipped at this then threatened the friendship. I flipped at that, and have only talked to him once ever since then.
I was so pissed off, then. I don't take easily to people telling me whether I have to decide about the friendship because they don't care anymore or telling me to decide between one person or another. I take it as a sign that they put little value on the friendship itself, so I get extremely offended.
This changed a couple weeks ago when I saw him again. I finally managed to forget his face, his voice. Then he walked into the middle of GSA and started talking to people. I had to leave immediately because I felt sick from it. Now, he's back in my mind. I have dreams when he just arrives at my house and hugs me like everything's okay, where we can kiss each other on the cheek again. I have a bunch of his books that I need to return, but I'm so afraid of giving them back because it'd involve seeing him again. However, he's probably going to show up at everyone's graduation tomorrow then GSA on Wednesday. I don't know how I'm going to act, how he's going to act. It feels like two exes meeting each other again, except instead of a romantic ex he's a friendly ex.
I miss him so much.
The song of the day has to be "Underneath It All" by No Doubt.
However, there's one guy who above everyone else that I feel the most regret for. J.T. used to be one of my closest friends, I could tell him about anything and he wouldn't care. He knows some of the worst things I've ever done and he looked past it. The problem is that he changed when he went to college. Before he used to be extremely sweet and a bit of a pushover, but when he noticed the latter he started to close himself off and become more...argumentative. It became a huge struggle just to say "Hi" to him and he always acted as if he was always wanted by a million people, that he was always busy going to people's houses. It hurt, I wanted to feel like I was the friend at the moment, not the plans with Hannah or Michelle. I knew it was selfish of me, but it does hurt a little when the phone suddenly rings and he's like "OH, SHIT. I need to go to
About five months ago, I got sick of the difficulty it takes to even hang out with him. I told him about how I just want a little more contact between us, even just a text every once in a while saying "Hey, I miss you." He flipped at this then threatened the friendship. I flipped at that, and have only talked to him once ever since then.
I was so pissed off, then. I don't take easily to people telling me whether I have to decide about the friendship because they don't care anymore or telling me to decide between one person or another. I take it as a sign that they put little value on the friendship itself, so I get extremely offended.
This changed a couple weeks ago when I saw him again. I finally managed to forget his face, his voice. Then he walked into the middle of GSA and started talking to people. I had to leave immediately because I felt sick from it. Now, he's back in my mind. I have dreams when he just arrives at my house and hugs me like everything's okay, where we can kiss each other on the cheek again. I have a bunch of his books that I need to return, but I'm so afraid of giving them back because it'd involve seeing him again. However, he's probably going to show up at everyone's graduation tomorrow then GSA on Wednesday. I don't know how I'm going to act, how he's going to act. It feels like two exes meeting each other again, except instead of a romantic ex he's a friendly ex.
I miss him so much.
The song of the day has to be "Underneath It All" by No Doubt.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
I've recently discovered one of the worst things that can happen between you and a teacher. It's really funny in an intensely ironic poetic justice way.
So this one guy I've been sexting/flirting with on and off for about a year now, his name is G.R. He's a few years older than me, so since he was the first guy of any significant age that I flirted with, everyone else being only a couple years older than me. This was before my now-21-year-old ex P.R., by the way. So little while ago I was talking to someone and they brought up how my old math teacher Mr. R. is G.R.'s dad. I see Mr. R. every day and he is incredibly friendly.
This is what goes on in my mind every time I pass by him:
Mr.R.: Hi! How are you?
Me: Hi! I saw your son naked!
I'm not even sure if he realizes his son is bi... I'm heavily considering telling him that I sexted his son when I graduate, but that would be such a terrible idea in so many ways.
Also, last night I was at BAGLY and T.K-H was there for the first time in a while. Eventually, we decided to head to the train to go home, so goodbye hugs, kisses and nearly shoving my hand down A.H-O's pants (jk! kinda...) later, T.K-H and I are walking to the orange line. Along the way, we pass by these two hobos going down on each other.
Guy Hobo: *moving down on girl hobo*
Girl Hobo: Oh, yeah, baby!
Little Girl: Mommy, what are those bundle of clothes doing to each other?
Mom: I think I just caught airborne syphilis...
Me: Let's...just...run.
It was mildly disturbing to say the least.
After getting to the train, I lay around on my seat with my bag right next to me. I notice the sign right across from me saying, "PLEASE KEEP FEET AND PARCELS OFF THE SEATS." Oops. So the conductor comes by, I give him my ticket and student ID because I get half off on school days. He stares at me, looks at my ticket, looks at me and says, "Sorry, this only works before 8. It's 10:35."
Me: I never knew that!
Conductor: Well, you need to pay up!
Me: I don't have any money anymore, how could I at 17 years old?!
Conductor: Do you want me to call the police?
Me: *Fake-breakdown*
Conductor: Okay, I'll ignore it for this time. You do this again, though, and you're gonna be arrested and fined $500.
Me: That's pretty intense for a student.
That was just disturbing. Why does my line get all of the conductors who actually still care about their job?
The song of the day is the Fanny Pack song, because I've had it stuck in my head for the past two days for no reason whatsoever.
So this one guy I've been sexting/flirting with on and off for about a year now, his name is G.R. He's a few years older than me, so since he was the first guy of any significant age that I flirted with, everyone else being only a couple years older than me. This was before my now-21-year-old ex P.R., by the way. So little while ago I was talking to someone and they brought up how my old math teacher Mr. R. is G.R.'s dad. I see Mr. R. every day and he is incredibly friendly.
This is what goes on in my mind every time I pass by him:
Mr.R.: Hi! How are you?
Me: Hi! I saw your son naked!
I'm not even sure if he realizes his son is bi... I'm heavily considering telling him that I sexted his son when I graduate, but that would be such a terrible idea in so many ways.
Also, last night I was at BAGLY and T.K-H was there for the first time in a while. Eventually, we decided to head to the train to go home, so goodbye hugs, kisses and nearly shoving my hand down A.H-O's pants (jk! kinda...) later, T.K-H and I are walking to the orange line. Along the way, we pass by these two hobos going down on each other.
Guy Hobo: *moving down on girl hobo*
Girl Hobo: Oh, yeah, baby!
Little Girl: Mommy, what are those bundle of clothes doing to each other?
Mom: I think I just caught airborne syphilis...
Me: Let's...just...run.
It was mildly disturbing to say the least.
After getting to the train, I lay around on my seat with my bag right next to me. I notice the sign right across from me saying, "PLEASE KEEP FEET AND PARCELS OFF THE SEATS." Oops. So the conductor comes by, I give him my ticket and student ID because I get half off on school days. He stares at me, looks at my ticket, looks at me and says, "Sorry, this only works before 8. It's 10:35."
Me: I never knew that!
Conductor: Well, you need to pay up!
Me: I don't have any money anymore, how could I at 17 years old?!
Conductor: Do you want me to call the police?
Me: *Fake-breakdown*
Conductor: Okay, I'll ignore it for this time. You do this again, though, and you're gonna be arrested and fined $500.
Me: That's pretty intense for a student.
That was just disturbing. Why does my line get all of the conductors who actually still care about their job?
The song of the day is the Fanny Pack song, because I've had it stuck in my head for the past two days for no reason whatsoever.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
You've got a pretty damn fast car thar, lil' missy
I just got my permit this morning. It was a fairly normal experience but still very confusing for me.
We walk in at like 10ish, the place is surprisingly not as packed I expected.

Not like that.
After like an hour, I finally got to the counter and get submitted for my test. Walk into the room, there's like five touchscreen computers in a row. I sit on the farthest left one and take my test. Three minutes (and plowing through 10 questions) later...
Girl 2: OH NO, HE DI'N'T!
Boy: I want out...
Proctor: Shut up, you all, or I'll kick you out for cheating!
Proctor: No, shut up. You need to take this test otherwise you can't get your permit.
GIRL 3: *Massive twitch* I NEED ANOTHER HIIIIT!!! *Tries to snort up the boy as a substitute for crack*
Boy: I hate you all.
This continued for like another 2 minutes, during which time I sat there quietly not bothering to read the question because I'd screw it up from that level of noise going on. Eventually they all shut up.
Another five minutes later, I finally got my required 18 questions right. I nearly bounce up and down screaming then finish up the test. 20 right out of 25. I feel good about myself!
The song of the day is "Fast Car" by Tracy Chapman.
We walk in at like 10ish, the place is surprisingly not as packed I expected.
Not like that.
After like an hour, I finally got to the counter and get submitted for my test. Walk into the room, there's like five touchscreen computers in a row. I sit on the farthest left one and take my test. Three minutes (and plowing through 10 questions) later...
Girl 2: OH NO, HE DI'N'T!
Boy: I want out...
Proctor: Shut up, you all, or I'll kick you out for cheating!
Proctor: No, shut up. You need to take this test otherwise you can't get your permit.
GIRL 3: *Massive twitch* I NEED ANOTHER HIIIIT!!! *Tries to snort up the boy as a substitute for crack*
Boy: I hate you all.
This continued for like another 2 minutes, during which time I sat there quietly not bothering to read the question because I'd screw it up from that level of noise going on. Eventually they all shut up.
Another five minutes later, I finally got my required 18 questions right. I nearly bounce up and down screaming then finish up the test. 20 right out of 25. I feel good about myself!
The song of the day is "Fast Car" by Tracy Chapman.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Should this even be on the internet?
I don't think I've been this happy in like... ever.
So there's this GLBT group-meeting thingy going on about an hour's train ride away from my house that I got some interest in from A.H-O. a couple weeks back. I decided to go this week just to try it out because I had nothing really to do. So, it happens every Wednesday so yesterday I took the train in and spent a little while at the library. Nothing big happened there, synced my local library card to the library there so now I can get books from both areas, read a book about Martin Luther in German for the hell of it and amidst deciphering it there was this group of people right behind me speaking fluent German. That was incredibly awkward.
So, 6pm comes around and I decide to head over to the meeting. It's held in a church, like a big gregarious church, so I'm a little intimidated. It didn't take long at all to realize that the meeting is held there due to a large amount of obviously gay people sitting around smoking and flirting with each other. I head inside because I knew it's going to take A.H-O. a flipping eternity to get there. In the meeting I find that the girl who saved K.V. and my asses to get into BAGLY prom was officiating the thing. I was so stoked. We go in, do check-in, I don't remember anyone's names from there except this really cool nerdy-looking girl called Lauren and a wanna-be surfer named Tyler. We then do this game where we write a fact about themselves and put in a hat then try to figure out whose fact is whose. I got bored half-way through and left to hang out with A.H-O. who just happened to show up.
This the scariest part of the entire trip: He was with my ex-stalker C.F. Nothing going on, just standing there talking. My insides turn outside, I want to scream, I feel dizzy. C.F. doesn't remember me like at all. Relief? FUCK YES.
After lolling around a little bit, A.H-O. and a couple of his friends decide to go to Burger King, and I tag along simply because I wanted to. I didn't get anything, but I dunked a Lindt peanut-butter thing in A.H-O's hood and pulled it over his head. He instantly freaks because he thought I put actual raw peanut butter in his hood and it would've ruined his hair (which really wouldn't matter because the drill camp he went to this weekend practically shaved him to a little fohawk) but T.K-H. was like "Umm... no." I then proceed to flirt with A. a little, like taking out some pocky and suggesting we play the pocky game (Google it if you don't know) before T.K-H. steals the bag and eats it herself, moving onto a variation of the pocky game called the Fiberone Bar game, then moving onto the condom game. After a while, they get their food and we sit down to eat. I steal a ton of T.'s fries, talk with A. about losing weight... Miley Cyrus came onto the radio so we booked it back to the meeting.
More time talking, and then I meet A.F. as he begins to hit on A.H-O. I hit on him a little, he hits on me, we hit on A.H-O., he hits on us, the statue hits on us, I hit on A.F... you get the picture. It all boils down to A.F. telling me that I'm hot and we start making out outside behind a column. More of us talking and hanging out, some random guy starts talking to me for no reason, I talk to him. Aaand random guy turns clingy, which I discovered when I tried to talk to any other guy and Random Guy freaks out like WHY AREN'T YOU TALKING TO ME?!?! It was just...awkward... Especially because I thought he was a girl at first (sparkly eyeliner, purse, hairband, sweatshirt thing with fur lining) and was like "I'm gay..." and he's like "I am too! 8D"
So eventually A.F. gets drawn into the meeting inside the church because the mediator comes running out screaming "HEY! WE'RE PLAYING SPIN THE BOTTLE WITH A WOODEN DILDO!" I head in for a little then got bored very quickly because it was some kind of safe version of spin-the-dildo where they just rattle off some memory about the other person then the two people swap spots. I head outside and start talking to A.H-O. and T.K-H.
At 8:30, I had to leave so I went inside to say by to A.F. which ensued us making out a little. I walk outside to say bye to the others when A.H-O. is like, "Okay, you just made out with A.F. for a looong time so I'm now really curious what you're like." Then he took my hand, led me to a corner of an alcove, shoved me against a wall and we proceeded to make out for 10 minutes. I swear, my heart was spasming the entire time I was so excited. Eventually I had to go, so we finally kissed goodbye, I kissed T.K-H on the cheek and took the train over to some random town where my mom was and we went home.
Total earthly joy? Yes. Is it enough to make me hopeful for the future? YES. I feel much more confident now after getting compliments from multiple people, getting the interest of multiple people, and making more friends. I think I'll be going here on a regular basis now. It's not so much the feeling that some people want to hook up with me that makes me happy, really. I just feel appreciated for who I am and my general appearance because I feel so unattractive most of the time. However these people aren't desperate nor are they close friends, they have no need to compliment me. So I feel much better about myself now that I'm getting compliments from nearly absolute strangers.
The song of the day is C'mon Girl by Red Hot Chili Peppers.
I don't think I've been this happy in like... ever.
So there's this GLBT group-meeting thingy going on about an hour's train ride away from my house that I got some interest in from A.H-O. a couple weeks back. I decided to go this week just to try it out because I had nothing really to do. So, it happens every Wednesday so yesterday I took the train in and spent a little while at the library. Nothing big happened there, synced my local library card to the library there so now I can get books from both areas, read a book about Martin Luther in German for the hell of it and amidst deciphering it there was this group of people right behind me speaking fluent German. That was incredibly awkward.
So, 6pm comes around and I decide to head over to the meeting. It's held in a church, like a big gregarious church, so I'm a little intimidated. It didn't take long at all to realize that the meeting is held there due to a large amount of obviously gay people sitting around smoking and flirting with each other. I head inside because I knew it's going to take A.H-O. a flipping eternity to get there. In the meeting I find that the girl who saved K.V. and my asses to get into BAGLY prom was officiating the thing. I was so stoked. We go in, do check-in, I don't remember anyone's names from there except this really cool nerdy-looking girl called Lauren and a wanna-be surfer named Tyler. We then do this game where we write a fact about themselves and put in a hat then try to figure out whose fact is whose. I got bored half-way through and left to hang out with A.H-O. who just happened to show up.
This the scariest part of the entire trip: He was with my ex-stalker C.F. Nothing going on, just standing there talking. My insides turn outside, I want to scream, I feel dizzy. C.F. doesn't remember me like at all. Relief? FUCK YES.
After lolling around a little bit, A.H-O. and a couple of his friends decide to go to Burger King, and I tag along simply because I wanted to. I didn't get anything, but I dunked a Lindt peanut-butter thing in A.H-O's hood and pulled it over his head. He instantly freaks because he thought I put actual raw peanut butter in his hood and it would've ruined his hair (which really wouldn't matter because the drill camp he went to this weekend practically shaved him to a little fohawk) but T.K-H. was like "Umm... no." I then proceed to flirt with A. a little, like taking out some pocky and suggesting we play the pocky game (Google it if you don't know) before T.K-H. steals the bag and eats it herself, moving onto a variation of the pocky game called the Fiberone Bar game, then moving onto the condom game. After a while, they get their food and we sit down to eat. I steal a ton of T.'s fries, talk with A. about losing weight... Miley Cyrus came onto the radio so we booked it back to the meeting.
More time talking, and then I meet A.F. as he begins to hit on A.H-O. I hit on him a little, he hits on me, we hit on A.H-O., he hits on us, the statue hits on us, I hit on A.F... you get the picture. It all boils down to A.F. telling me that I'm hot and we start making out outside behind a column. More of us talking and hanging out, some random guy starts talking to me for no reason, I talk to him. Aaand random guy turns clingy, which I discovered when I tried to talk to any other guy and Random Guy freaks out like WHY AREN'T YOU TALKING TO ME?!?! It was just...awkward... Especially because I thought he was a girl at first (sparkly eyeliner, purse, hairband, sweatshirt thing with fur lining) and was like "I'm gay..." and he's like "I am too! 8D"
So eventually A.F. gets drawn into the meeting inside the church because the mediator comes running out screaming "HEY! WE'RE PLAYING SPIN THE BOTTLE WITH A WOODEN DILDO!" I head in for a little then got bored very quickly because it was some kind of safe version of spin-the-dildo where they just rattle off some memory about the other person then the two people swap spots. I head outside and start talking to A.H-O. and T.K-H.
At 8:30, I had to leave so I went inside to say by to A.F. which ensued us making out a little. I walk outside to say bye to the others when A.H-O. is like, "Okay, you just made out with A.F. for a looong time so I'm now really curious what you're like." Then he took my hand, led me to a corner of an alcove, shoved me against a wall and we proceeded to make out for 10 minutes. I swear, my heart was spasming the entire time I was so excited. Eventually I had to go, so we finally kissed goodbye, I kissed T.K-H on the cheek and took the train over to some random town where my mom was and we went home.
Total earthly joy? Yes. Is it enough to make me hopeful for the future? YES. I feel much more confident now after getting compliments from multiple people, getting the interest of multiple people, and making more friends. I think I'll be going here on a regular basis now. It's not so much the feeling that some people want to hook up with me that makes me happy, really. I just feel appreciated for who I am and my general appearance because I feel so unattractive most of the time. However these people aren't desperate nor are they close friends, they have no need to compliment me. So I feel much better about myself now that I'm getting compliments from nearly absolute strangers.
The song of the day is C'mon Girl by Red Hot Chili Peppers.
Monday, May 17, 2010
This Friday was insane. Like, ridiculously insane. It all started when I woke up, when I started to run nonstop. The day was fairly normal until noon, when I began to run to print out all of my stuff for Humanities class. I was already late because I had to wait to get a computer to print out my stuff, so I ran in mid-way through people putting their reports together. I missed about half of the things on the report because It was so thrown together...
The second school got out I had head to the principal's office to set up a proposal to start working on a public speaking project. Immediately after that I had to start running to uptown, mainly because I can't drive yet so it involves walking in dress shoes. I needed to get my corsage and suit (I'm against using tuxes unless it's senior prom) so that was about a 3 mile walk from the school to the florist to the dry cleaners then back home. By the time I got back home I needed to put on makeup to make myself look good for prom. Two layers of makeup and shaving half of my face off later, I decided that I would just look disastrous with makeup on. That involved tons of makeup remover and pain... After getting completely ready, I finally got to go to prom.
Prom itself was incredible, but nothing of extreme amazingness went on. I now have a couple new texting buddies, A.H-O. and S.F.
After prom, K.V., M.R., J.B., A.D., S.P., E.M., and K.M. went over to J.B.'s house to stay the night. J.B.'s family is connected directly to an ice cream shop, like their house is right next to it. As such, at midnight J.B's dad came downstairs and told us to go to the ice cream shoppe. He then gave us a bunch of scoops and told us to go crazy. I was very happy; Peppermint stick, mint chocolate chip, heath bar, and sprinkles. I was very very happy.
At 12:30/1ish M.R. had to head home, likewise with A.D., so the rest of us got into the living room and started to watch Scene It with Harry Potter. I got the massage chair, which was a godsend to me because I've been on my feet in dress shoes for the past 11 hours and that chair does legs and feet. I was very very very very very very happy.
The second school got out I had head to the principal's office to set up a proposal to start working on a public speaking project. Immediately after that I had to start running to uptown, mainly because I can't drive yet so it involves walking in dress shoes. I needed to get my corsage and suit (I'm against using tuxes unless it's senior prom) so that was about a 3 mile walk from the school to the florist to the dry cleaners then back home. By the time I got back home I needed to put on makeup to make myself look good for prom. Two layers of makeup and shaving half of my face off later, I decided that I would just look disastrous with makeup on. That involved tons of makeup remover and pain... After getting completely ready, I finally got to go to prom.
Prom itself was incredible, but nothing of extreme amazingness went on. I now have a couple new texting buddies, A.H-O. and S.F.
After prom, K.V., M.R., J.B., A.D., S.P., E.M., and K.M. went over to J.B.'s house to stay the night. J.B.'s family is connected directly to an ice cream shop, like their house is right next to it. As such, at midnight J.B's dad came downstairs and told us to go to the ice cream shoppe. He then gave us a bunch of scoops and told us to go crazy. I was very happy; Peppermint stick, mint chocolate chip, heath bar, and sprinkles. I was very very happy.
At 12:30/1ish M.R. had to head home, likewise with A.D., so the rest of us got into the living room and started to watch Scene It with Harry Potter. I got the massage chair, which was a godsend to me because I've been on my feet in dress shoes for the past 11 hours and that chair does legs and feet. I was very very very very very very happy.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
I give up...
Yesterday was filled with happiness and sorrow. I enjoyed a huge deal of it but by the end of the night I just wanted to curl in a little ball.
It was Boston Youth Pride yesterday, so my GSA and K.V. traveled over to Boston for it despite the rain. I don't mean rain as in a little trickle kind of rain, I mean rain as in out of nowhere the rain comes pouring down to the point where you can barely see stuff from 20 feet away. New England doesn't like to do little trickles of rain.
While there, K.V. and I ran into T.B. and his GSA. I asked him out and he said yes, so I was off the walls excited that I'm back in the dating game. However, that didn't work out because later on I ran into A.O. I danced a little with A.O. who left to do other things while telling me that he plans to come back a little later. I was about to start making out with him, too... Of course, that dance never worked out because he ran into T.B. and started dancing with him and by the end of the night when K.V. T.B. and I were leaving A.O. took T.B. out of sight and I didn't see either of them for a few minutes. Just now I'm texting T.B. and found out that he and A.O. are going on a date sometime. So just as quickly as I entered the dating game I got thrown out. So I give up on getting a boyfriend during high school because the universe clearly hasn't wanted me to get a boyfriend over the past year.
In better news, I spent the majority of the day with K.V! My GSA left at like 1 leaving us behind so we decided to spend the day wandering around. We got picked up by her mom, went to the hotel and wandered around a bit. We really had no idea what to do so we wandered around the Prudential Mall giggling like idiots about everything then went to the library for some down time. After that, we somehow managed to walk halfway across Boston again to the Boston Commons and entered a McDonald's just as it started to pour again. There we ran into A.O. as he did a very half-assed version of tarot to a bunch of random people. Like it was obvious to me that he wasn't trying very hard, which is very amusing for me because I was sitting there like "Really? Are you trying?" as he was reading out of a pamphlet-thing about what each card means. People still liked it, though, so I'm not complaining. As we made towards the BAGLY prom, he finally revealed that his age is "vientidos" which just gave me a massive twitch.
I loved yesterday, but it taught me that I shouldn't bother trying to get a boyfriend. College will come in a couple years and that'll throw one at me pretty quickly. Least I got 17 male condoms, 6 packs of lube, 2 female condoms and 1 thing of lube for those things.
The song of the day is "Smashing The Opponent" by Infected Mushroom, because that perfectly explains my mood right now.
It was Boston Youth Pride yesterday, so my GSA and K.V. traveled over to Boston for it despite the rain. I don't mean rain as in a little trickle kind of rain, I mean rain as in out of nowhere the rain comes pouring down to the point where you can barely see stuff from 20 feet away. New England doesn't like to do little trickles of rain.
While there, K.V. and I ran into T.B. and his GSA. I asked him out and he said yes, so I was off the walls excited that I'm back in the dating game. However, that didn't work out because later on I ran into A.O. I danced a little with A.O. who left to do other things while telling me that he plans to come back a little later. I was about to start making out with him, too... Of course, that dance never worked out because he ran into T.B. and started dancing with him and by the end of the night when K.V. T.B. and I were leaving A.O. took T.B. out of sight and I didn't see either of them for a few minutes. Just now I'm texting T.B. and found out that he and A.O. are going on a date sometime. So just as quickly as I entered the dating game I got thrown out. So I give up on getting a boyfriend during high school because the universe clearly hasn't wanted me to get a boyfriend over the past year.
In better news, I spent the majority of the day with K.V! My GSA left at like 1 leaving us behind so we decided to spend the day wandering around. We got picked up by her mom, went to the hotel and wandered around a bit. We really had no idea what to do so we wandered around the Prudential Mall giggling like idiots about everything then went to the library for some down time. After that, we somehow managed to walk halfway across Boston again to the Boston Commons and entered a McDonald's just as it started to pour again. There we ran into A.O. as he did a very half-assed version of tarot to a bunch of random people. Like it was obvious to me that he wasn't trying very hard, which is very amusing for me because I was sitting there like "Really? Are you trying?" as he was reading out of a pamphlet-thing about what each card means. People still liked it, though, so I'm not complaining. As we made towards the BAGLY prom, he finally revealed that his age is "vientidos" which just gave me a massive twitch.
I loved yesterday, but it taught me that I shouldn't bother trying to get a boyfriend. College will come in a couple years and that'll throw one at me pretty quickly. Least I got 17 male condoms, 6 packs of lube, 2 female condoms and 1 thing of lube for those things.
The song of the day is "Smashing The Opponent" by Infected Mushroom, because that perfectly explains my mood right now.
youth pride
Thursday, May 6, 2010
So today I bought my first bra. It was an intense experience, I walked into CVS and flat-out said, "On Saturday, I'm crossdressing for the first time. HELP MEH." So we spent nearly half an hour scouring through the entire makeup line like a pack of rabid Twilight fangirls trying to figure this shit out. I may need to make another run because I'm not sure if I have eyeshadow that matches the rest of my makeup. After snagging my makeup, I proceeded to run to Marshall's for a bra. All the way there, I was flipping out because I didn't know what to do. I decided to pretend that I was a boyfriend looking for his girlfriend's size. A really big girlfriend, like size 40 girlfriend.
So do you know how difficult it was to find a size 40 there? YEAH. I SPENT FREAKING TWENTY MINUTES IN THE BRA RACK (Teehee... bras on racks...) LOOKING. All I found for the first 19 minutes were size 44F's. I may be a size 40, but I was looking for a C cup, not boobs that need leashes instead of a bra. I don't need boobs that will fly out of my chest and eat someone if the bra breaks. Here's to hoping it won't break on Saturday.
In better news, this Saturday is Boston Youth Pride! I am so bloody excited it's unbelievable!
This song of the day, because I don't feel like posting that much, is Illusion by VNV Nation.
So do you know how difficult it was to find a size 40 there? YEAH. I SPENT FREAKING TWENTY MINUTES IN THE BRA RACK (Teehee... bras on racks...) LOOKING. All I found for the first 19 minutes were size 44F's. I may be a size 40, but I was looking for a C cup, not boobs that need leashes instead of a bra. I don't need boobs that will fly out of my chest and eat someone if the bra breaks. Here's to hoping it won't break on Saturday.
In better news, this Saturday is Boston Youth Pride! I am so bloody excited it's unbelievable!
This song of the day, because I don't feel like posting that much, is Illusion by VNV Nation.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
This groove is for my girls, little boys little girls
I'm disappointed. The season finale for RuPaul's Drag Race happened tonight. I was rooting for Jujube this entire time, but Tyra won. I'm happy for her in the fact that now she can take care of her 5-year-old son, but seriously? Tyra is good at drag, yes, but Jujube has way more personality and pep than Tyra! Tyra was on the bottom of my list out of Raven, Jujube, and Tyra when it comes to actual drag. Raven is talented and amazing in her style of drag and was able to stretch into different areas very well, Tyra can only really do glamour and ghetto drag. Jujube is fabulous and can work everything she does, her only downfall is when she freezes up! I'm just... miffed at that.
BUT! Today I got to hang out with K.J. in Boston! I was phenomenally excited to hang out with her for the first time since I hugged her goodbye before getting onto the shuttle to the airport in Chicago. It was college fair, so both of our schools headed into Boston for it. I called her this morning being all like "Hey, you going to college fair?" and she was like "YES." so we bounced around screaming over the phone. Up until I got on the bus to Boston I was bubbling with excitement. I was pretty much hugging everyone with excitement and screaming for no reason. (If you can't tell by now, K.J. is one of my closest friends who knows virtually everything about me and what I've done.) After a ton of shenanigans with guidance and other people in my class who are being suspended, I walked into the World Trade Center in Boston for the College Fair. I wandered around a while, then I eventually called her. She was at the opposite end of the entire room (all of the colleges are in this one room, it looks like a dealer's room at a convention but much more boring), so I booked it over there.
So there I was, standing around waiting for her to show up. I actually decided to look at the booth I'm near, and there was this one girl bickering with the person running the booth. She turns around, then we blankly stare at each other for a few seconds. Once we realized that she's K.J. and I'm Alex, I'm pretty damn sure J.A. fell over from the sheer volume of our screams from across the entire hall. Thus begins our two hours together!
The song of the day, in honour for RuPaul's Drag Race Season 2, is Ladyboy by RuPaul herself!
BUT! Today I got to hang out with K.J. in Boston! I was phenomenally excited to hang out with her for the first time since I hugged her goodbye before getting onto the shuttle to the airport in Chicago. It was college fair, so both of our schools headed into Boston for it. I called her this morning being all like "Hey, you going to college fair?" and she was like "YES." so we bounced around screaming over the phone. Up until I got on the bus to Boston I was bubbling with excitement. I was pretty much hugging everyone with excitement and screaming for no reason. (If you can't tell by now, K.J. is one of my closest friends who knows virtually everything about me and what I've done.) After a ton of shenanigans with guidance and other people in my class who are being suspended, I walked into the World Trade Center in Boston for the College Fair. I wandered around a while, then I eventually called her. She was at the opposite end of the entire room (all of the colleges are in this one room, it looks like a dealer's room at a convention but much more boring), so I booked it over there.
So there I was, standing around waiting for her to show up. I actually decided to look at the booth I'm near, and there was this one girl bickering with the person running the booth. She turns around, then we blankly stare at each other for a few seconds. Once we realized that she's K.J. and I'm Alex, I'm pretty damn sure J.A. fell over from the sheer volume of our screams from across the entire hall. Thus begins our two hours together!
The song of the day, in honour for RuPaul's Drag Race Season 2, is Ladyboy by RuPaul herself!
awesome times,
best friends,
rupaul's drag race
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Welcome home!
I'm back home from California. I must say I'm actually relieved to be back. I love traveling almost more than anything else, but it gets tiring ridiculously fast! Especially if you hit up 3 places in less than a week!
A couple days after Universal Studios, mom and I headed down to San Diego. I was incredibly excited about this because I love San Diego. So many of my favourite places are there (El Fandango for Mexican food, Tutti Frutti for frozen yogurt) and the person I admire a ton (Matt Melvin from Cyanide and Happiness/Robots With Feelings/Explosmverse) lives there. During this entire time I've been talking with Matt about what I should do while I'm in San Diego because he's off in Chicago at a convention with the rest of Explosm, so I bombarded him with Twitter. I kinda feel bad in retrospect and now I'm pulling back as much as I can because I just want to be a friend of his, not crazy fanperson #6669.
In San Diego Mom and I did just the generics, go to colleges (I love UCSD, so applying there) and places I love. The most remarkable fact is that when we drove into San Diego, I was in the passenger seat giving directions and I realized that the hotel address seemed very familiar. As we got closer and closer to said hotel, I remembered places more and more. Then it hit me. We're staying at the same hotel I went to two years ago! Their wifi still sucks.
UCSD, or University of California- San Diego campus is a place I have a pretty strong connection to. Not with people who go/went there or anything, but it's a place that I know that if I go there I will be happy. In the Universal Pizza Order idea, I ordered a college with a great nursing plan somewhere warm and accepting, this is pretty much smack what I wanted. While we were there I managed to take a little photography splurge. This is one that I fixed around:

I feel pretty proud of myself.
Next place is a place that totally threw me off guard, but I still greatly enjoyed.
I made a pilgrimage to Gaycca- San Francisco. Bitch.
I found great irony in going to San Francisco. We only had two tours that we signed up for this entire trip, we were just going to do self-guided tours on the others. All of the self-guided ones we went on, we didn't go on any of the other tours. That shows how responsible we are.
Another thing I realized while travelling is that though I have a way smaller vocabulary, I write way better than most of the people in Chinatowns. Sad to say, but I'm not kidding. I make sure every stroke is very precise and my characters make sense, people in Chinatown just scrawl all over a paper and call it a cow. It's very frightening to witness, especially when my mom asks me what this one character means and I'm sitting there like "It either means horse... or the colour purple..."
My birthday is tomorrow and it really just hit me that when people were asking me what I wanted for my birthday they were actually intent on getting me presents. I feel horrible now, especially since at least 10 people are coming. I'm excited nontheless! C.M. also shares a birthday with me so we're doing a double birthday party! I'm planning to surprise everyone by doing something to myself for all to see, in a positive way!
In honour of my pilgrimage to Gaycca, the song of the post is: San Francisco- Global Deejays. Warning that this video is CRAZY sexual. Like there's at least 10 seconds where boobs eat up the screen. Not even kidding. NSFW or NSFstupidlittlechildren
A couple days after Universal Studios, mom and I headed down to San Diego. I was incredibly excited about this because I love San Diego. So many of my favourite places are there (El Fandango for Mexican food, Tutti Frutti for frozen yogurt) and the person I admire a ton (Matt Melvin from Cyanide and Happiness/Robots With Feelings/Explosmverse) lives there. During this entire time I've been talking with Matt about what I should do while I'm in San Diego because he's off in Chicago at a convention with the rest of Explosm, so I bombarded him with Twitter. I kinda feel bad in retrospect and now I'm pulling back as much as I can because I just want to be a friend of his, not crazy fanperson #6669.
In San Diego Mom and I did just the generics, go to colleges (I love UCSD, so applying there) and places I love. The most remarkable fact is that when we drove into San Diego, I was in the passenger seat giving directions and I realized that the hotel address seemed very familiar. As we got closer and closer to said hotel, I remembered places more and more. Then it hit me. We're staying at the same hotel I went to two years ago! Their wifi still sucks.
UCSD, or University of California- San Diego campus is a place I have a pretty strong connection to. Not with people who go/went there or anything, but it's a place that I know that if I go there I will be happy. In the Universal Pizza Order idea, I ordered a college with a great nursing plan somewhere warm and accepting, this is pretty much smack what I wanted. While we were there I managed to take a little photography splurge. This is one that I fixed around:
I feel pretty proud of myself.
Next place is a place that totally threw me off guard, but I still greatly enjoyed.
I made a pilgrimage to Gaycca- San Francisco. Bitch.
I found great irony in going to San Francisco. We only had two tours that we signed up for this entire trip, we were just going to do self-guided tours on the others. All of the self-guided ones we went on, we didn't go on any of the other tours. That shows how responsible we are.
Another thing I realized while travelling is that though I have a way smaller vocabulary, I write way better than most of the people in Chinatowns. Sad to say, but I'm not kidding. I make sure every stroke is very precise and my characters make sense, people in Chinatown just scrawl all over a paper and call it a cow. It's very frightening to witness, especially when my mom asks me what this one character means and I'm sitting there like "It either means horse... or the colour purple..."
My birthday is tomorrow and it really just hit me that when people were asking me what I wanted for my birthday they were actually intent on getting me presents. I feel horrible now, especially since at least 10 people are coming. I'm excited nontheless! C.M. also shares a birthday with me so we're doing a double birthday party! I'm planning to surprise everyone by doing something to myself for all to see, in a positive way!
In honour of my pilgrimage to Gaycca, the song of the post is: San Francisco- Global Deejays. Warning that this video is CRAZY sexual. Like there's at least 10 seconds where boobs eat up the screen. Not even kidding. NSFW or NSFstupidlittlechildren
san diego,
san francisco,
Friday, April 16, 2010
Los Angeles
So right now I'm in Los Angeles college touring, if you can call it that. Our original intention is to tour California State University- Fullerton, but today we got distracted and went to Universal Studios as well.
I must say, Universal is one of my favourite amusement parks ever. It doesn't have many attractions, but the ones they do have are incredible. That is, except the House of Horrors. My dad went in it a couple years ago and was bored, so today I went in with my mom out of sheer boredom. Most of its fear more derived from people jumping out of hiding. Knowing this would happen because this always happens in haunted houses, I did the wise/sketchy way to stay safe: Hung around a couple feet behind the group in front of me. Because the monsters would notice them first and go for them, I was safe nearly the entire time. That didn't stop me from holding my water bottle out as a weapon, though! It was really pathetic- a teenage male scrunching behind a couple, dragging his mother behind him so she doesn't lag behind, and holding out a water bottle as if it would pose any threat to the monsters. I actually did use it a couple times, that is when they decided to go for me I would scrunch down like a turtle and flail my water bottle around like I was having a grande mal seizure. The house itself was fairly nondescript except for one part when we were in Frankenstein's lab and his monster leaped out from behind a pillar. Knowing this would happen, I had no reaction. The girl in front of me, however, fell over screaming and knocked over the walkway fence. I nearly fell over laughing at her.
Also at Universal Studios was a set tour. I went on this the last time I came here two years ago, but my mom really wanted to go so I was dragged along. I'm actually pretty amazed by how much they changed the little things in it! The montages on the screens were redone, we were shown different parts of the studio, and people did different things on the set! For example, we passed by the Bates Motel on the tram and last time we could only see the mother's dead body staring down at us from the house. This time Norman Bates was bringing out the woman's dead body to stuff in his trunk before he noticed us, upon where he charged us. I'm fairly saddened though, because he only got to the last car and I was in the front. And he was hot even from a distance. When we went up the hill on the tram (the road loops behind the house), I could still see him glaring at us. It made me giggle a great deal.
So next Thursday is my birthday. Because it's also one of my friend's (C.M.) birthdays, we decided to do a double birthday party. I want to be all excited about it, but I'm actually stressing over it a little. The problem is, C.M. is best friends with M.F. who virtually no one likes and A.H. and K.V. just broke up a few days ago. Everything would maybe be nice and dandy except those pieces, but it would be enough for everyone to freak out and drama to go bursting at the seams. I've been dealing with virtually everyone's shit since freshman year so I'm just annoyed and tired from everyone coming to me with their problems regardless of the environment right now. I really just want one day to spend time with everyone without having to deal with any crisis. Which is why I'm trying to tell anyone that if any drama pops up I'm just going to leave the party and no one will hear from me for a loong looong loooong time.
I must say, Universal is one of my favourite amusement parks ever. It doesn't have many attractions, but the ones they do have are incredible. That is, except the House of Horrors. My dad went in it a couple years ago and was bored, so today I went in with my mom out of sheer boredom. Most of its fear more derived from people jumping out of hiding. Knowing this would happen because this always happens in haunted houses, I did the wise/sketchy way to stay safe: Hung around a couple feet behind the group in front of me. Because the monsters would notice them first and go for them, I was safe nearly the entire time. That didn't stop me from holding my water bottle out as a weapon, though! It was really pathetic- a teenage male scrunching behind a couple, dragging his mother behind him so she doesn't lag behind, and holding out a water bottle as if it would pose any threat to the monsters. I actually did use it a couple times, that is when they decided to go for me I would scrunch down like a turtle and flail my water bottle around like I was having a grande mal seizure. The house itself was fairly nondescript except for one part when we were in Frankenstein's lab and his monster leaped out from behind a pillar. Knowing this would happen, I had no reaction. The girl in front of me, however, fell over screaming and knocked over the walkway fence. I nearly fell over laughing at her.
Also at Universal Studios was a set tour. I went on this the last time I came here two years ago, but my mom really wanted to go so I was dragged along. I'm actually pretty amazed by how much they changed the little things in it! The montages on the screens were redone, we were shown different parts of the studio, and people did different things on the set! For example, we passed by the Bates Motel on the tram and last time we could only see the mother's dead body staring down at us from the house. This time Norman Bates was bringing out the woman's dead body to stuff in his trunk before he noticed us, upon where he charged us. I'm fairly saddened though, because he only got to the last car and I was in the front. And he was hot even from a distance. When we went up the hill on the tram (the road loops behind the house), I could still see him glaring at us. It made me giggle a great deal.
So next Thursday is my birthday. Because it's also one of my friend's (C.M.) birthdays, we decided to do a double birthday party. I want to be all excited about it, but I'm actually stressing over it a little. The problem is, C.M. is best friends with M.F. who virtually no one likes and A.H. and K.V. just broke up a few days ago. Everything would maybe be nice and dandy except those pieces, but it would be enough for everyone to freak out and drama to go bursting at the seams. I've been dealing with virtually everyone's shit since freshman year so I'm just annoyed and tired from everyone coming to me with their problems regardless of the environment right now. I really just want one day to spend time with everyone without having to deal with any crisis. Which is why I'm trying to tell anyone that if any drama pops up I'm just going to leave the party and no one will hear from me for a loong looong loooong time.
los angeles,
universal studios
Saturday, April 10, 2010
I wanted to say
This week was filled with me running around. Not even beginning to lie at all.
So with my depression project I decided to start working with the beating-down-the-health-teachers piece by talking to the math department. My idea was to talk with them and create a program for the students taking statistics to give out a survey to the school about how students would feel about a public speaker at their school. However, it turns out the students in the statistics classes already picked their surveys and starting to work on them. If I wanted to continue working with the math department I'd have to wait over a month for the seniors to leave (there's only like two juniors in the statistics classes so there'd be gobs upon gobs of free time for the teachers.) So that was a fail.
In better news, I talked with my teachers about talking to my classes about me being gay for Day of Silence next week because I would be across the country when DoS comes around. The teachers loved that idea, so on Thursday I talked to my Global Religions and Chinese II classes. The extremely weird thing is that the students rarely ever listen to someone speaking at the front of the class, so when I got up there and started talking I did NOT expect everyone to be paying full attention to me. It felt so weird, because all of the other times I spoke- even if the students were being graded on what I said for projects and stuff - no one ever payed attention. The hugest shock was my Chinese class because everyone in the class is notorious for being crazy ADD and beating each other up but when I looked around while speaking there was not one person who was fixated on what I said. I think a couple even cried. It was so weird!!!
The weirder part is that the next day (yesterday), I was in my Chinese class working on some worksheet when my teacher walked up and asked me what lunch I had (my school has three lunches, students are assigned to one of the lunches depending on what teacher they had). When I said I had third lunch, she got really disappointed for a couple seconds then had a sudden thought. "What class do you have before lunch?"
"What would you say if I take you out of Chorus and you speak to the foreign language department about what you spoke about yesterday?"
So I was dragged out of Chorus to talk to a bunch of teachers about my experiences being gay. I'd say it went pretty well, I managed to say what I wanted to say and they got what they wanted to hear. Thursday and Friday just confused the hells out of me..
Because of the weirdness that went on, the song of the day is "Smashing the Opponent" by Infected Mushroom!
So with my depression project I decided to start working with the beating-down-the-health-teachers piece by talking to the math department. My idea was to talk with them and create a program for the students taking statistics to give out a survey to the school about how students would feel about a public speaker at their school. However, it turns out the students in the statistics classes already picked their surveys and starting to work on them. If I wanted to continue working with the math department I'd have to wait over a month for the seniors to leave (there's only like two juniors in the statistics classes so there'd be gobs upon gobs of free time for the teachers.) So that was a fail.
In better news, I talked with my teachers about talking to my classes about me being gay for Day of Silence next week because I would be across the country when DoS comes around. The teachers loved that idea, so on Thursday I talked to my Global Religions and Chinese II classes. The extremely weird thing is that the students rarely ever listen to someone speaking at the front of the class, so when I got up there and started talking I did NOT expect everyone to be paying full attention to me. It felt so weird, because all of the other times I spoke- even if the students were being graded on what I said for projects and stuff - no one ever payed attention. The hugest shock was my Chinese class because everyone in the class is notorious for being crazy ADD and beating each other up but when I looked around while speaking there was not one person who was fixated on what I said. I think a couple even cried. It was so weird!!!
The weirder part is that the next day (yesterday), I was in my Chinese class working on some worksheet when my teacher walked up and asked me what lunch I had (my school has three lunches, students are assigned to one of the lunches depending on what teacher they had). When I said I had third lunch, she got really disappointed for a couple seconds then had a sudden thought. "What class do you have before lunch?"
"What would you say if I take you out of Chorus and you speak to the foreign language department about what you spoke about yesterday?"
So I was dragged out of Chorus to talk to a bunch of teachers about my experiences being gay. I'd say it went pretty well, I managed to say what I wanted to say and they got what they wanted to hear. Thursday and Friday just confused the hells out of me..
Because of the weirdness that went on, the song of the day is "Smashing the Opponent" by Infected Mushroom!
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Are you serious?
Today, I decided to get working on the math department piece of my depression project. I talk with the department head and set up a pretty decent case of why I need their help with statistics and everything, until one of the stat teachers walks into the office. Upon his walking in, the department head entirely forgets what's going on and decides that my name is Eric. I am absolutely shocked by this and was thrown off by the rest of the meeting because she managed to mangle my name that badly! I have congestion and everything but seriously, Alex takes some serious problems to screw up. By the end, they decide to tell me that there's nothing they could do because the students have already decided on what surveys they're doing. Until the seniors leave, I can't do anything with the math department about getting statistics on how the student body feels. I'm a little miffed to say the least.
In happier news, I went to see How To Train Your Dragon in 3-D yesterday with friends A.H.x2 (They're married and have the same first initial) their son D.H. and K.V. It was awesome! I'm most amused by how the dragon Toothless acts almost exactly like my cat. I have a huge urge to hug my kitten right now...
The song of the day is "On The Rise" from Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog!
In happier news, I went to see How To Train Your Dragon in 3-D yesterday with friends A.H.x2 (They're married and have the same first initial) their son D.H. and K.V. It was awesome! I'm most amused by how the dragon Toothless acts almost exactly like my cat. I have a huge urge to hug my kitten right now...
The song of the day is "On The Rise" from Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog!
awesome times,
stupid people
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Presentation: Success.
Such a huge adrenaline rush today. I finally presented the idea of starting up a project on depression/suicide/self-injury awareness at my school to the health director. This was something that was supposed to happen two weeks ago but got cancelled because of huge flooding going on in my town. I was absolutely nerve-wracked, because me going in there and saying, "So, we still on this idea?" is a really unprofessional thing to do given that I clearly got shut down by another member of the health department a few months ago. However, I walked in much more confidently than I did the previous time, because he was all for it then and I know that because I have the backing of one of my town's most respected citizens (my psych) it would be very difficult for director-guy to say no.
Not only did I manage to wear him down to a "yes" in a matter of minutes, but I have him now trying to convince the health teachers for me to do this (as they were the ones who shut me down the last time), I have much more paths open for me that I managed to smash out of him.
Because my original intention was to just have an assembly at my school and I let that get demoted to talking in health classes, he imagined I would keep it that way. However, I managed to argue him into the possibility of having an assembly, talking to health classes, AND talking to parents at an after-school event! That took some considerable skill and connections to pull that off. I'm proud of myself.
Not only that, but yesterday I was in Chinese class when my teacher M.L. came up to me and asked if I'm still presenting about Finland today. About a week ago, she attacked my class about presenting a culture we know to other classes because this week is Foreign Language Week. I hesitantly said that I could do Finland, because my stepmom's from Finland so may as well make the foreign language department happy. Fast forward six days, I'm now flabbergasted because I don't know what to do for the stupid Finland presentation. I eventually settle with having people ask questions about Finland while some Finnish music is playing (Darude, Nightwish, etc.)
I walk into my designated class in a panic at 9:20. It turns out to be all freshmen, and the teacher is out. I proceed to spend the next half hour talking on and on about Finland, everyone's asking questions, it's very open and happy. I feel relaxed throughout the entire time! I walk into my next class just as confidently. It sucked. The class is really reserved because the teacher is there and she is asking so many boring questions like what my favourite food is and what reindeer are like. However, people seemed to enjoy it. I guess mainly because I was myself, which is prone to raunchiness (First class, "Why don't you change your name to Bananas?" "...I change my name to Bananas... So whenever people say that they like Bananas... Think about it for a couple seconds..." Second class, "So this is how you swear in Finnish! Everyone say Kyrpa! 8D"). All in all, I think this day went pretty well.
So in recognition of presenting to a bunch of radically different classes about Finland, I have the song of the day be a video of the day: How to Swear in Finnish!
Not only did I manage to wear him down to a "yes" in a matter of minutes, but I have him now trying to convince the health teachers for me to do this (as they were the ones who shut me down the last time), I have much more paths open for me that I managed to smash out of him.
Because my original intention was to just have an assembly at my school and I let that get demoted to talking in health classes, he imagined I would keep it that way. However, I managed to argue him into the possibility of having an assembly, talking to health classes, AND talking to parents at an after-school event! That took some considerable skill and connections to pull that off. I'm proud of myself.
Not only that, but yesterday I was in Chinese class when my teacher M.L. came up to me and asked if I'm still presenting about Finland today. About a week ago, she attacked my class about presenting a culture we know to other classes because this week is Foreign Language Week. I hesitantly said that I could do Finland, because my stepmom's from Finland so may as well make the foreign language department happy. Fast forward six days, I'm now flabbergasted because I don't know what to do for the stupid Finland presentation. I eventually settle with having people ask questions about Finland while some Finnish music is playing (Darude, Nightwish, etc.)
I walk into my designated class in a panic at 9:20. It turns out to be all freshmen, and the teacher is out. I proceed to spend the next half hour talking on and on about Finland, everyone's asking questions, it's very open and happy. I feel relaxed throughout the entire time! I walk into my next class just as confidently. It sucked. The class is really reserved because the teacher is there and she is asking so many boring questions like what my favourite food is and what reindeer are like. However, people seemed to enjoy it. I guess mainly because I was myself, which is prone to raunchiness (First class, "Why don't you change your name to Bananas?" "...I change my name to Bananas... So whenever people say that they like Bananas... Think about it for a couple seconds..." Second class, "So this is how you swear in Finnish! Everyone say Kyrpa! 8D"). All in all, I think this day went pretty well.
So in recognition of presenting to a bunch of radically different classes about Finland, I have the song of the day be a video of the day: How to Swear in Finnish!
depression project,
oh gods,
stupid people,
Saturday, March 27, 2010
A few days ago I read Explosm's article where they pranked a kid who asked them to do a comic about Da Vinci's code. On one page of their prank they include a cartoon of Da Vinci cutting his dick in half and calling it BME. I'm disgusted by this because it just has to be an exaggeration (given that this is Explosm we're talking about), so I google up BME. Turns out, that's the short-hand name for bmezine.com, a site dedicated towards the body modification subculture! Curiosity gets the best of me so I go onto the site. I've never encountered the total body modification culture so I don't know what to expect, and even with my mind as open as it possibly can about this I get shocked by what I see. I'm not saying that in a disgusted way, just that I was surprised by what I saw. In this website there was suspensions, eye sewing, tattoos, and so much more. I can't help but be a little horrified from my lack of experience in this world, but I'm also a little fascinated how people can break past the limits of pain to do this kind of stuff.
Is it an underground culture? More underground than anything I've encountered, yet. Is it terrifying? To me, anyways. Is it a place to look at whether you ever will get into it? I would say so. I'm planning on getting a tattoo sometime later in life as a symbol of what I believe in, but I wouldn't necessarily consider it a BMEzine-able thing. After looking at this site, I might do a suspension just to see what it's like.
So something I'm not planning to tell my family.
Because I've had this stuck in my head for the past two days, the song of the day is:
Nothing Suits Me Like A Suit from How I Met Your Mother
Is it an underground culture? More underground than anything I've encountered, yet. Is it terrifying? To me, anyways. Is it a place to look at whether you ever will get into it? I would say so. I'm planning on getting a tattoo sometime later in life as a symbol of what I believe in, but I wouldn't necessarily consider it a BMEzine-able thing. After looking at this site, I might do a suspension just to see what it's like.
So something I'm not planning to tell my family.
Because I've had this stuck in my head for the past two days, the song of the day is:
Nothing Suits Me Like A Suit from How I Met Your Mother
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Stop Telephonin' Me!
My project is underway!
Right now, I'm restarting my project from the beginning of the school year, which involves speaking to my school about depression, suicide, and self-injury. Because it was shut down by my yoga teacher in November, I let it fall down into the underground works for a few months. For past few months I took my time collecting information and statistics so when I go up again there's going to be no way anyone can refuse my proposal without looking unprofessional. This past couple weeks I decided to start going out getting support from multiple professionals in nursing, public speaking and psychology. As of right now, I have the support of a well-respected psychologist in my town and a couple social workers at my school. I'm aiming for a couple nurses and a local organization for depression. It's a lengthy process but with hope I will be able to go up to the board of health in my school district and whip out a proposal so good that they cannot refuse, and even if they did I can absolutely trash them publicly for refusing it.
Last week was my best friend K.V.'s Grease show! A bunch of the actors lacked professionalism, but the show in itself was pretty good! I went with my other best friend E.J. and her friend from South Korea and we spent most of the show critiquing all of the actors. While this was a total asshole thing to do, it was so fun. I greatly enjoyed watching my friends K.V., A.D. and J.B. onstage! I had no idea that A.D. or J.B. can act so them coming up was pretty awesome. During intermission I ran backstage and spent time with K.V. despite the fact she had to get ready for the next act. It was so worth going back there though because we were constantly hugging each other and giggling like idiots. I think it scared the director as well.
Here's a demonstration of how oblivious I am in class for you all. In all of my academic classes this semester, because I already know everything and at a level above everyone when it comes to thinking deep (my academics, with the exception of Chinese, rely heavily on philosophy), I tend to space out most of the class because I can. Because of that, I somehow managed to not look at most of my classmates because I'm in a trance-like state nearly all classtime unless I have to present something. When I present, I tend to ramble because I tend to forget what I'm saying mid-sentence, so I guess being in a trance-like state nearly all the time is a bad thing. But I digress: This past week I decided to start actually paying attention because my classes are picking up in pace so the teachers can get what they want done before the seniors leave. So now I'm looking around at the class during spare time and I realized something: most of the guys in my classes are really hot! I'm surprised I didn't notice this before, but the more I look around the more hotness I see! I'm not sure whether it's from G.R. constantly trying to turn me on or if it's just because I'm on some crazy exaggerated hormone cycle, but I'm flabbergasted by the hotness! In Chinese I decided to sit on the opposite end of the room from where I used to sit nearby J.A. so I have people to talk to and it gives me such a wide view of the good-looking guys. I feel like a little whore, but who cares. Chances are that I won't have a boyfriend for another couple years, anyways. Nothing wrong with looking.
So right now I'm in my dad's house preparing to go an hour north to some country store. Saturday tends to be our shopping trip day, so I get to whip out my awesome new debit card and go shopping for a little while. Will I actually buy anything? Doubt it. As long as I get to zone out most of this weekend I'm all set.
On Thursday I was home alone for a few hours because that's my mom's day to go to her boyfriend's house until midnight. Out of boredom, I remembered that Lady Gaga has released a new music video called Telephone and that people say it's really weird. So I decided to watch it to kill some time, given that the entire video is around 10 minutes. My final verdict: it's something that people into girls would want to see if they're in a really weird lesbian porn kinda mood. Everyone else would like it just from the weirdness factor. I'm starting to think that Lady Gaga has a thing for people forcibly undressing her and leaving her half-naked. Especially the part when she's virtually entirely naked and climbing the prison bars. There was no decency there, and I'm not sure whether to respect the fact she has no problem showing her body for all to see or to be scared that she has no problem showing her body for all to see, including little children.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010

My ceramics teacher is kinda out there, if not old dated. Her crusade seems to be destroying all form of modern communication technology and living in caves. Every ceramics class she comes in saying something along the lines of, "Teenagers have way too much screen time. Did you know the average teenager gets about 7 hours of screen time every day? That can be a part-time job!" Every. Single. Class. Then she goes around the room doing a survey of how often we text, hang out online, watch tv, or something of that ilk. It actually keeps us from working on our ceramics projects, it's that bad! Her latest art project is some head thing demonstrating the "evils of television." It's kinda sad.
In other news, yesterday in Humanities instead of working on Othello and the character development within it, C.L. T.D. and I were sitting around talking about how we act in school. While this could be an interesting sociology conversation, we were more talking along the lines of educational masochism. You see, our super-intendant is an idiot and doesn't realize when we need to close school for external emergencies. An example would be yesterday when it was pouring buckets, the locker rooms were flooded, and flood warnings in the region were going off like crazy. We all came to the conclusion that she's trying to teach us to take delight in misfortune. For example, if we have a massive blizzard that shuts down the school for a week and cuts off all power to the town which will lead to our certain demise, everyone will be happy because we have no school for once. We also came to the conclusion that the school could blow up and we'll still have school because she's such an idiot.
We have the day off today because of the flooding that's going on around the town. We're very happy.
Due to a short post today, the song of the day is Phantom Ki by Kemic-Al, which is darkpsy. I consider darkpsy to be kinda like the death metal of techno, because it's very dark and very intense trance music. Not for the people just experiencing techno.
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Now, it's common knowledge among my friends that I have little performing talents, as most of my talents tend to be lodged in my mind or practical side of my body. Unless you consider rock climbing to be a performing talent, anyways...
So I'm in chorus and have to do this performance called Cabaret next Friday. My friend K.B. and I are doing this duet that no one knows about, and we were called on Thursday to work on our song during lunch. For some reason, my friends A.H. K.K. and I.G. decided to come along, which puts huge pressure on me because I'm not comfortable at all singing. I've never been good at singing and my elementary school music teacher has crushed any sense of me being any good at music, so I'm now terrified. I sing the first two lines of the song and my chorus teacher interrupts me. We try matching pitches with me and the piano for a few minutes, but it doesn't work out because he's playing notes that I have to go into falsetto to sing, something I've never truly done before. He eventually gives up and says that I'm doing terribly and if I keep at the rate I'm at I will bomb the performance in front of everyone. The thing is, I'm used to singing the part of a bass because it's such a strain to sing the part of a tenor, which is what my song is based for. He's now giving me until Monday to learn how to match pitches from a piano to my voice.
I'm absolutely freaking because I've never had a professional voice teacher in my life, which he doesn't seem to get. I've had A voice teacher, but that was my then-boyfriend who'd give lessons that would get quickly forgotten as we then begin to cuddle and/or make out. I don't consider them real lessons. K.B. was rooting me on this entire time saying that I'm singing well and I'll work it, so when we get out of the chorus room I lashed out at her for rooting me on because it lulls me into a false sense of security. I now feel terrible for it, because that wasn't fair of me to do that. I plan on apologizing with a bunch of pocky on Monday.
That aside, I've had a pretty decent week. Yesterday was course selection day so our normal day was sliced in half, the remaining half of the school day was us running through all of our classes from last semester. It was fairly interesting, actually. I skipped my yoga class to wander around the school and hang out with K.K. and the other classes were spent yabbering with half a million people. I got all of my course selections done in a remarkably short amount of time, I'm pretty proud of myself.
AND I'M SO EXCITED! I'm going to J.B., A.D., K.V.'s performance of Grease tonight and it's going to be incredible! I'm bringing D.J. along so we're bound to have fun times!
Because I'm in a omg-kinda mood right now, the song of the day is Aquarius by Within Temptation! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iQ46JJ0aLNo
So I'm in chorus and have to do this performance called Cabaret next Friday. My friend K.B. and I are doing this duet that no one knows about, and we were called on Thursday to work on our song during lunch. For some reason, my friends A.H. K.K. and I.G. decided to come along, which puts huge pressure on me because I'm not comfortable at all singing. I've never been good at singing and my elementary school music teacher has crushed any sense of me being any good at music, so I'm now terrified. I sing the first two lines of the song and my chorus teacher interrupts me. We try matching pitches with me and the piano for a few minutes, but it doesn't work out because he's playing notes that I have to go into falsetto to sing, something I've never truly done before. He eventually gives up and says that I'm doing terribly and if I keep at the rate I'm at I will bomb the performance in front of everyone. The thing is, I'm used to singing the part of a bass because it's such a strain to sing the part of a tenor, which is what my song is based for. He's now giving me until Monday to learn how to match pitches from a piano to my voice.
I'm absolutely freaking because I've never had a professional voice teacher in my life, which he doesn't seem to get. I've had A voice teacher, but that was my then-boyfriend who'd give lessons that would get quickly forgotten as we then begin to cuddle and/or make out. I don't consider them real lessons. K.B. was rooting me on this entire time saying that I'm singing well and I'll work it, so when we get out of the chorus room I lashed out at her for rooting me on because it lulls me into a false sense of security. I now feel terrible for it, because that wasn't fair of me to do that. I plan on apologizing with a bunch of pocky on Monday.
That aside, I've had a pretty decent week. Yesterday was course selection day so our normal day was sliced in half, the remaining half of the school day was us running through all of our classes from last semester. It was fairly interesting, actually. I skipped my yoga class to wander around the school and hang out with K.K. and the other classes were spent yabbering with half a million people. I got all of my course selections done in a remarkably short amount of time, I'm pretty proud of myself.
AND I'M SO EXCITED! I'm going to J.B., A.D., K.V.'s performance of Grease tonight and it's going to be incredible! I'm bringing D.J. along so we're bound to have fun times!
Because I'm in a omg-kinda mood right now, the song of the day is Aquarius by Within Temptation! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iQ46JJ0aLNo
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Time off
I haven't felt this relaxed in a long while. Since the show's been done I've had very little to do. The process has been go to school, go home, sit around listlessly for a while, start doing homework and get attacked by some overly hormonal guy who can't really deal with the fact that I have better things to do than give into my carnal instincts every day of my life. Pretty much every day he's trying to turn me on, and nearly every day it doesn't work. As of right now I've put him on my ignore list on Facebook just to not deal with him anymore because he was getting really awkward.
For example: E.C. is a pretty good looking kid. Like if he finally decides to come out of the closet (Many of us agree that he likes men and maybe women), I would go out with him. The creepy hormonal guy G.R. is currently crazed over him despite the fact he's like three years older than E.C. As a result, G.R. starts badgering me to ask E.C. if he's bi and everything. I'm getting sick of it so I just pulled the plug on G.R.
Other than that, really nothing's been happening, so this is a relatively short post for now.
So the song of the day would have to be Beloved by VNV Nation!
For example: E.C. is a pretty good looking kid. Like if he finally decides to come out of the closet (Many of us agree that he likes men and maybe women), I would go out with him. The creepy hormonal guy G.R. is currently crazed over him despite the fact he's like three years older than E.C. As a result, G.R. starts badgering me to ask E.C. if he's bi and everything. I'm getting sick of it so I just pulled the plug on G.R.
Other than that, really nothing's been happening, so this is a relatively short post for now.
So the song of the day would have to be Beloved by VNV Nation!
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Showtime! Continued
I didn't bother writing too much in depth last night as I was absolutely wiped and wanted to just curl in bed and fall into a coma. Yesterday was craaaaaaaaaaaazy. Like there's crazy where you have a lot on your plate. Then there's crazy where you have a lot on your plate, a million things are popping up at once, everyone around you also has that going on and you're all trying to help each other out into a gigantic mess of logistics and chaos. I don't know where to start with the show, so let's start a few hours beforehand.
I woke up Saturday morning in a really surreal state. This was the day of the show; no re-do's, no more rehearsals, no more shows to do. This is it! However, before anything else I have to do something for my Chinese class: go to a show on Chinese folk art at the same place as my show. I go there with my mom and her boyfriend, and it all goes pretty well. I see some people from my class, avoid a few other people, etc. It starts off with a really intense drum routine with the guys screaming and using just about every single part of the drum I can imagine. Then a bunch of happy dance routines including the lion and dragon. The lion dance was so improvised because you see in the background the person in the front of the lion suit jumping onto the knees of the person in back and proceeding to "make out" with the other lion. As in taking the heads, opening the mouths, and smashing the heads together. It was odd. The dragon dance was awesome though. It started with all lights on stage off, then the dragon and the pearl come out lit up by LEDs. It was really awesome just because of that effect, and they did the same for the yoyo routine. I was pretty impressed.
Now come an hour before the show. By this time we are getting all of our acts down as far as we possibly can, people are calling and texting us and whatever to say "Good luck!", getting into all of our first outfits, and meetings are going on throughout the whole cast. I probably got at least 10 texts saying "Good luck!" or something of that ilk. Given that most of my friends for some reason don't have cells and/or the capacity to text, I imagine the other contestants got many more. Come the whole cast meeting, our director was apologizing for being an asshole to us and we were all like "You were a total asshole. Bitch." It was amusing. Now come ten minutes before the show, I'm dancing like crazy to keep from having a massive breakdown because you can hear the audience screaming from between multiple rooms. The contestants finally go onto the risers and have a group hug, I assure the hostess that she's going to work it. I'm on the verge of crawling in a little hole screaming when the curtains finally open revealing our silhouettes. The music starts playing and when the spotlight comes on me I hear an entire shower of screams from throughout the entire audience. I grin and strike a pose, the entire right side of my face twitching like crazy from nervousness.
Come sportswear! I do a massive joke on bodybuilders and heroic muscle men by acting like a total flamer. I think they mainly were laughing at the end when my sponsor A.H. drags me offstage and falls in the attempt to pick me up. I should've warned her I'm 20 pounds heavier since the last time she picked me up. Everyone gets a huge amount of laughs at each act, we're all very confident. Most of my acts involve huge amounts of audience participation, I end up talking to the people on stage during my dream date and try to get people during my talent.
Skipping a few scenes, we finally get to the last act: Q&A. The contestants have absolutely no idea what they're going to ask, so I'm terrified because I don't know what to expect. Before we go onstage, though, we have to get into tuxes. The entire deal with tuxes was a bitch enough because the person lending them to us decided to throw us through a million hoops. We finally finish the dream date when the host and hostess completely forget to stall the audience for us to get into tuxes. I'm all set because I wore a tux before and know how to put them all and because there's five scenes after mine in the dream date act. However, the other guys forgot to budget their time and come spilling into the dressing rooms after C.S1's scene. I'm nearly done and have to help everyone else. The director is running in to help, people are flying around with bags, sponsors are trying to help. It just looked like a total blur to me now because of how much screaming "HOW DO I PUT THIS ON?!" and people were climbing on top of each other. I barely manage to fully finish before they tell us to go onstage. Four more guys are still lagging so I try to help as much as I can before the director shoves me out.
I walk onstage with my sponsor when they ask me a question, "You walk out of your home and encounter a massive fire-breathing dragon. What do you do?" I space out for a minute contemplating my answer with a few people in my fan club screaming things at me. Most of my thoughts were either, "Turn up my gayness and out-flame him." or "Splash a bucket of water on it." but I finally say "Turn into a Na'vi and do that weird bonding thing they do." before internally face-palming. Creative? Relatively. Nerdy? Oh, hell yes. In retrospect, I should've said, "RuPaul, queen of drag, I choose you!" or something like that.
In the end, I didn't win. I imagined as such because everyone else is way more mainstream and know how to make most people laugh. I have a relatively obscure humor so some people didn't get my jokes. However, we're all happy that it's over and head off to E.C.'s house for a rager. As far as they said anyways.
However, by the time I get there it's nearly midnight and some people were about to leave because of their parents. I hang out in the hot tub for a while which was an absolutely jam-packed area. I'm squished up against J.C. for most of the time and nearly in a fetal position because the hot tub is designed for 7 people. We have about 15 people in there at any one time. After some people leave, E.C. decides to sit on me for a seat. I have no idea why so I'm really confused, but I'm not really complaining because this kid is pretty damn hot and I haven't had any guy sit on me for a long time. I kinda just lean to the side as cooly as I can- against my natural instincts to wrap my arms around his torso and just relax. More room clears up and he snags a seat behind me. I shuffle over to another edge to give him some room because as far as I know he's saying that he's straight. Some other guy who I completely go crazy for, J.S. pops up and decides to jump in the hot tub. So I'm now in a hot tub with three of the hottest guys in my grade and trying to decide what to do. Eventually, come 1 in the morning. Nearly everyone's left and it's really just degenerated into E.C., C.Q., C.S1, J.S., a couple of their friends and I just sitting by a fire talking about games I have no clue what to talk about. I eventually text my mom's boyfriend and go home. I stay up for another hour and go into a comatose state for 9 hours, which is about the most sleep I've had in a month.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Tonight was the night: I was finally a competitor in a massive school production. In this show, there's 7 guys who compete for the title of Mr. (school) in three different areas: Sportswear, Talent, and Dream Date. We each have one female sponsor who helps us out with any piece we need. Obviously, we need them for Dream Date and we have to introduce them during Sportswear. Talent, however, is entirely up to us because we write the scripts and everything.
So, up until about an hour before the show I was entirely calm and repeating to everyone that it's all going to work. Naturally, stage fright kicked in once the curtains opened revealing us. However, I got people laughing and cheering throughout the entire show. I also managed to engage the audience more than once! I have to say I've had one of the two largest fan clubs in the show, the other one being for E.C. It was pretty awesome, at the end of the show a swarm of people came flooding into the backstage to hug me.
Come after the show, E.C. says that there's going to be a party at his house. Everyone's all pumped and we all arrive there at like 11 after breaking down the set. Nearly everyone leaves at midnight or shortly thereafter. I'm still there but being the only person there that doesn't really play video games, by the time J.C. left all they were talking about was Call of Duty. I barely even know that game exists so I was sitting there in a bathing suit and a towel by the fire listening quietly. Eventually, I just felt awkward and left. And here I am!
Thursday, March 4, 2010
This week has been...insane. I really have no idea how to describe it except for insane. At the very least we've been staying in school rehearsing until 6pm every night this week, most of which is involving our director yelling at us. Yesterday was the worst, though. I didn't get home until about 10pm, the director was full-on screaming at us for the most ridiculous reasons. By the time we were finished my mom picked me up and we went out to a Japanese restaurant just to relax and calm down because my stress level was through the roof. All of us are exhausted now because very few of us have gotten any kind of sleep. As I type I'm yawning and starting to space out. It's pretty bad.
Today has been possibly the best one, though! I'm so happy about it and so thankful to the gods for today because yesterday was just ghastly. Our angry director was off at some meeting all day so our nice director started to take over again. All of the acts went smoothly, everyone was happy, and we got out at like 6:45 for an entire runthrough! That includes all of us going and a few breaks in between. Few breaks being about 15 minutes each. So for us starting at 3:30 with at least 45 minutes cumulative breaktime, that is really solid for a hell week rehearsal. I'm very happy about it.
Our director today told us that our shirts for the dance routine are in the gym during a break, so all of the contestants and the hosts and some sponsors did a mass-field trip over there. Of course, the shirts weren't there but we had a lot of fun just running around together as we went on a treasure hunt throughout the P.E. department. After a while we gave up, whereupon I mention that I have dinner in my locker that my mom was great enough to give to me this morning. The entire horde immediately ran to my locker and the second I pulled out the bag I was besieged by a mob of hungry contestants and a hostess. It looked like something out of Mean Girls when Cady imagines all the people acting like animals. I was greatly amused. A few minutes later, all of us are sitting in the lobby of the auditorium having a picnic of lunchables and goldfish. It was a great bonding experience and I'm very happy for today going so well.
Monday, March 1, 2010
A fairly atypical day
Today has been...interesting to say the least. Not like I would ever post something mundane on a blog, but relatively today has been off-kilter in many respects.
I needed to get all of my props in for my mock beauty pageant today, so I had my mom drive me to school. I go into the school carrying a chair with a white sheet draped over it tied with a black ribbon (A couch) and a box packed with stuffed animals to bring into E.W.'s room given that she's the director and could keep my props in her room. Come ten minutes of wandering the school looking for her because the door is locked, I find out that she isn't even in the school nor will be today! I finally dunk everything down in the auditorium with C.Q. and go off for breakfast.
Come Global Religions, we get the entire lab today because of a massive storm on Thursday night causing school to be cancelled on Friday. While this couldn't be better, I finished my project for Global Religions on Wednesday because I know the religion I'm doing so well. I go into Chinese and absolutely own the entire class because it's just answering a bunch of random questions about jobs and banks. Come Chorus class, I was off in singing but I really didn't care.
One of my friends K.B. and I are deciding to do a duet for a Cabaret show in a few weeks and to surprise our friends by doing one of the group's favourite songs together. The problem is that I'm a bass and have to sing the part of a tenor for the song. I'm planning on knocking all of my notes down an octave so I can actually sing the song without straining myself. Finally comes Humanities. We get the lab again for the entire block for the same reason as Global Religions!
So come mock beauty pageant rehearsal. I had to create a dance routine for the talent portion that I really dislike because the song is one that I've heard my entire life and E.W. has managed to badger me into doing it compared to bellydancing. I go onstage not knowing the dance because it was just created and a minute into the dance I get screamed off for not knowing the stupid thing and told to go print out the routine and practice. A half hour later filled with trying various computers across the school, I give up and go back to rehearsal. We're now on dream date, which my partner and I totally rocked if it weren't for E.W. interrupting us every other line to ask us about every little piece to it without waiting for the answer to her question like two lines later. A.H. my partner and I are kind of frustrated but now we have the scene down really well.
Along this entire rehearsal, A.H. and I are busy talking in the back of the auditorium about the people there. We've came to a consensus that the other director D.M. is flamboyantly gay and one of my cast members E.C. is extremely bisexual. If we use a scale of 1 to 6, 1 being extremely straight 6 being extremely gay D.M. would be a screaming 6, I would be about a 4.75 and E.C. would be a solid 3. It really amuses me especially because I see all of the other male cast members always touching each other and joking about it while considering themselves straight while I'm the only person there who's openly gay and refuses to touch any of the guys without any solid reason. You'd imagine all of these guys would be less... obnoxious and climbing all over each other because that would be portrayed as incredibly gay but no, they just bounce around smacking each other around while I'm sitting with a couple girls laughing my ass off at all of them.
I finally go home after a three and a half hour rehearsal covering two of the major scenes (most of it being the directors yelling at us for the questions being answered two lines later) extremely wiped. Good news is that I got a haircut which looks awesome and I have hair dye for tomorrow's escapade! I'm really excited for it and can't wait to see everyone looking at me this week where I come into school with something new added on every day!
Friday, February 26, 2010
These past few days have been CRAZY! Usually I'd just get up, go to school, go home, and sleep. This is the usual procedure of a high school student, mixed with maybe a couple "Go downtown and get a burger" or something once a week. However, this week has been... interesting to say the least.
Yesterday, I did the usual routine. However, today I'm to be going to this peer mediation conference during school so I had to get my homework, which is just a little tweak. I'm pretty okay with this because it's not a huge transition like traveling across the entire country twice to see a bunch of pretty colleges, but after school instead of going to rehearsal all of the mock pageant guys met up in the meeting room for a special trip: a tuxedo rental store. I've been to one a few months ago for my close friend's coming-of-age ceremony, but it was nowhere near in the scenario of an en masse 8-men-need-tuxes-within-a-week. While this is normally pretty simple because we have quite a few tuxedo places near our hometown, we had to drive somewhere a bit... far off. Try a city about 10 miles away. Even then, it's not bad. It is when you have two teenage drivers who have barely just held onto their licenses for a year and an elderly woman who has the attention span of a gopher. I don't have neither my license nor a car yet, so I was stuck going inside one of the teenagers' cars because the elderly woman for some reason didn't feel like having people in her car. Turns out I picked the right car at the last second- I was running late because I needed to snag the stuff from my locker at school on account that it was pouring out and I needed my fedora. We got to the tuxedo store within 20 minutes and were nearly all entirely fitted before the other shipment of guys came pouring in. The driver of the other car apparently sucks at driving and the person in the front seat giving directions apparently wasn't helping at all. After a series of phone calls filled with my being able to hear a bunch of
from a few feet away, the store manager staring at us with a smug look like, "You are so desperate for a tux for this stupid show I'm going to laugh at you from afar," and people running around outside getting soaked from the rain in a frantic attempt to find each other, the other people waltzed in like nothing happened. Except the driver, who is clearly miffed and complaining to his girlfriend about it. Everyone gets fitted, and finally the woman running the entire show comes waltzing in complaining about traffic and blaming every little puddle she saw. We stand around for a few minutes figuring out every little logistic, then the guy who drove the car I rode in on the way there decided to leave us for the other driver. Slogging into the back seat of a massive Ford Windstar, I proceed to go on the longest 10-mile trip I've ever encountered. Not even within three minutes the driver (C.S1.) was lost and driving in circles, the guy in the shotgun seat (C.Q.) isn't helping at all, the guy (C.S2.) I'm sitting next to is beating up the guy in front of him (E.C.), E.C. is making really bad sex jokes, and the guy in front of me (C.D.) is going completely music ADD on us. Ten minutes later, we are parked in front of a YMCA asking someone's parents for directions to our hometown, C.S.2 is pummeling the back of E.C.'s seat, C.D. is still music ADD, C.S.1 and C.Q. are bickering over directions while still on the phone with the parent, E.C. is running out of the car fake-crying, and I'm falling over laughing at all of this. The entire fiasco could be translated into this:
"Want a bad roman- DOO, DO DO DODO, DO DOO DO, DO DODO-"
"DOO, DO DO DODO, DO DOO- I want you psycho, your vertical stick-"
This continued pretty much this way for the next fifteen minutes, with a couple stops in front of cop cars with people's seatbelts off writing the word "asshats" on the fogged-up windows, creepy parks in the middle of the city, and random restaurants. I'm next to passing out from laughter this entire time because for some reason I get really giggly when stuck in a car with guys, and by the time we actually see non-rundown buildings our conversations devolved into C.S.1 and C.Q. cheering for knowing the rest of the way home, C.D. still music ADD, and E.C., C.S.2 and I screaming stuff like little kids. That can be translated into this:
By the time we get to my house to drop me off, our trip has taken over an hour. I never anticipated a trip to a city 10 miles away could be such a hassle.
In honor of the DOO, DO DO DODO song, I present the song of the day to you:
Streamline by Newton!
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
So, we have 7 more rehearsals to get everything down before the mock beauty pageant next Friday. The directors right now are freaking out because most of us don't have pretty much anything ready. Really, all most of us have done is the scripts done, and we don't know them that well. The directors decided to spend most of the time for today's rehearsal lecturing us to get everything done. Well, one director (who's a senior at the school) decided to lecture us, the other director (who's been a teacher at the school since forever and has taken over the directing job for the pageant this year because the original director is on maternity leave) decided to sit around nodding and agreeing with everything the senior director said. While this would normally be a pretty decent idea, we missed about an hour out of a two hour rehearsal listening to this lecture. I'm all for them lecturing us, I actually encourage it! It's really the only way they can do a huge motivator to the cast without cancelling the stupid show, because anything else will really not work! They just beat the lecturing down on us to the point where beating a dead horse sounds like a fun pastime to start up! I'm just going to act all cheery despite how the two directors are rampaging around now, may as well be the happy person in the cast to save everyone an ulcer.
This week so far has been extremely uneventful. J.A. has proven to be an extremely uninteresting person, so I'm just going to not chase after him. For example, anything I try on him will just be shrugged off with a lazy smile and an "okay." While I could do something more like maybe climb on him and say something extremely sexy in his ear, we mainly see each other in our Chinese classroom. I'm not so sure what you think, but I consider that a pretty bad idea given that he and I are obviously extremely shy people by nature. I don't feel like causing someone to have a mental breakdown in the middle of class and someone else a nosebleed from seeing some guy straddling another guy. My school is not the best place to try that.
Also, all of my classes are pretty much finishing up the first section of their units, so I have many essays to write and quizzes to study for. I'm not that excited about it, BUT! My friend K.B. and I are both in chorus class! While already awesome, our class is putting on a cabaret in a few weeks based off of broadway songs, so K.B. and I are singing the Elephant Love Medley from Moulin Rouge! It works for both of us, because we love this song and I'm in the bass section while she's a soprano. In music terms, the bass section are the people who can sing the lowest out of the chorus and the sopranos are the people who can sing the highest. As you can imagine, basses are typically male while sopranos are typically female. I'm pretty excited about this, but I'm so not looking forward to the huge amounts of work I have to do nowadays.
For the song of the day, because I'm having a bitchload of trouble getting this clip ready for the mock beauty pageant, the song of the day is I Will Always Love You by Whitney Houston http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5yTrBbHCMDk
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Vacations are odd
The time I've spent back home has been...interesting. Ever since I got back from my college tour I've been stuck in this really odd mix between crazy amounts of action and sitting around blankly staring at my laptop. Not that I really mind, given that it's vacation, but I really just want to hang out with friends. Which is true in some respects, I'm spending at least a couple hours every day with one of my closest friends.
I posted this about a month ago, I'm in a major production done entirely by the junior class for my school. It's a mock beauty pageant with men as contestants and women as their sponsors. My friend A.H. is my sponsor and we're planning on using all of our acts to use tons of ironic humor and trashing eHarmony. I'm pretty excited for it! I've been meeting with A.H. constantly to go over the scripts and see what we want to do. Tons of work involved, I only hope that I make it all work within two weeks. Our show will be on March 5th.
And if the pageant isn't anymore crazy on my schedule, I have to create a bunch of projects for all of my classes! For my Chinese class I have to create a family tree and for Chorus I have to create a poster about the songs I find inspirational and why. You'd probably wonder why my Chinese project is going to be easy but strangely enough it isn't. My family has a very extensive history of people getting divorced, remarried and having more kids on both sides. This wasn't bad at first until my dad decided it would be a great idea to marry someone from rural Finland. Because of that, the amount of members in my family literally doubled. That's only the people I know of when it comes to my immediate family. When my step-mom was counting off the people in her immediate family she got up to 50 before she lost count. I am seriously disturbed by that. Fortunately, my teacher decided to give me a break and chop off my step-family because she knows how extensively my family travels. I still have to learn all of these characters to do my family tree, half of which she hasn't taught us before vacation began. I tried asking J.A. if she taught the class anything on Friday (I was already in Chicago then), he had no idea what to do either and we decided together we're all going to fail.
I think I'm going to play it nicely with these projects...
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