A couple days after Universal Studios, mom and I headed down to San Diego. I was incredibly excited about this because I love San Diego. So many of my favourite places are there (El Fandango for Mexican food, Tutti Frutti for frozen yogurt) and the person I admire a ton (Matt Melvin from Cyanide and Happiness/Robots With Feelings/Explosmverse) lives there. During this entire time I've been talking with Matt about what I should do while I'm in San Diego because he's off in Chicago at a convention with the rest of Explosm, so I bombarded him with Twitter. I kinda feel bad in retrospect and now I'm pulling back as much as I can because I just want to be a friend of his, not crazy fanperson #6669.
In San Diego Mom and I did just the generics, go to colleges (I love UCSD, so applying there) and places I love. The most remarkable fact is that when we drove into San Diego, I was in the passenger seat giving directions and I realized that the hotel address seemed very familiar. As we got closer and closer to said hotel, I remembered places more and more. Then it hit me. We're staying at the same hotel I went to two years ago! Their wifi still sucks.
UCSD, or University of California- San Diego campus is a place I have a pretty strong connection to. Not with people who go/went there or anything, but it's a place that I know that if I go there I will be happy. In the Universal Pizza Order idea, I ordered a college with a great nursing plan somewhere warm and accepting, this is pretty much smack what I wanted. While we were there I managed to take a little photography splurge. This is one that I fixed around:
I feel pretty proud of myself.
Next place is a place that totally threw me off guard, but I still greatly enjoyed.
I made a pilgrimage to Gaycca- San Francisco. Bitch.
I found great irony in going to San Francisco. We only had two tours that we signed up for this entire trip, we were just going to do self-guided tours on the others. All of the self-guided ones we went on, we didn't go on any of the other tours. That shows how responsible we are.
Another thing I realized while travelling is that though I have a way smaller vocabulary, I write way better than most of the people in Chinatowns. Sad to say, but I'm not kidding. I make sure every stroke is very precise and my characters make sense, people in Chinatown just scrawl all over a paper and call it a cow. It's very frightening to witness, especially when my mom asks me what this one character means and I'm sitting there like "It either means horse... or the colour purple..."
My birthday is tomorrow and it really just hit me that when people were asking me what I wanted for my birthday they were actually intent on getting me presents. I feel horrible now, especially since at least 10 people are coming. I'm excited nontheless! C.M. also shares a birthday with me so we're doing a double birthday party! I'm planning to surprise everyone by doing something to myself for all to see, in a positive way!
In honour of my pilgrimage to Gaycca, the song of the post is: San Francisco- Global Deejays. Warning that this video is CRAZY sexual. Like there's at least 10 seconds where boobs eat up the screen. Not even kidding. NSFW or NSFstupidlittlechildren
Can't wait to see you tomorrow! =3 I'm glad you had a good time in Gaycca. I'm jealous, actually.