Saturday, March 6, 2010


Tonight was the night: I was finally a competitor in a massive school production. In this show, there's 7 guys who compete for the title of Mr. (school) in three different areas: Sportswear, Talent, and Dream Date. We each have one female sponsor who helps us out with any piece we need. Obviously, we need them for Dream Date and we have to introduce them during Sportswear. Talent, however, is entirely up to us because we write the scripts and everything.
So, up until about an hour before the show I was entirely calm and repeating to everyone that it's all going to work. Naturally, stage fright kicked in once the curtains opened revealing us. However, I got people laughing and cheering throughout the entire show. I also managed to engage the audience more than once! I have to say I've had one of the two largest fan clubs in the show, the other one being for E.C. It was pretty awesome, at the end of the show a swarm of people came flooding into the backstage to hug me.
Come after the show, E.C. says that there's going to be a party at his house. Everyone's all pumped and we all arrive there at like 11 after breaking down the set. Nearly everyone leaves at midnight or shortly thereafter. I'm still there but being the only person there that doesn't really play video games, by the time J.C. left all they were talking about was Call of Duty. I barely even know that game exists so I was sitting there in a bathing suit and a towel by the fire listening quietly. Eventually, I just felt awkward and left. And here I am!

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