My ceramics teacher is kinda out there, if not old dated. Her crusade seems to be destroying all form of modern communication technology and living in caves. Every ceramics class she comes in saying something along the lines of, "Teenagers have way too much screen time. Did you know the average teenager gets about 7 hours of screen time every day? That can be a part-time job!" Every. Single. Class. Then she goes around the room doing a survey of how often we text, hang out online, watch tv, or something of that ilk. It actually keeps us from working on our ceramics projects, it's that bad! Her latest art project is some head thing demonstrating the "evils of television." It's kinda sad.
In other news, yesterday in Humanities instead of working on Othello and the character development within it, C.L. T.D. and I were sitting around talking about how we act in school. While this could be an interesting sociology conversation, we were more talking along the lines of educational masochism. You see, our super-intendant is an idiot and doesn't realize when we need to close school for external emergencies. An example would be yesterday when it was pouring buckets, the locker rooms were flooded, and flood warnings in the region were going off like crazy. We all came to the conclusion that she's trying to teach us to take delight in misfortune. For example, if we have a massive blizzard that shuts down the school for a week and cuts off all power to the town which will lead to our certain demise, everyone will be happy because we have no school for once. We also came to the conclusion that the school could blow up and we'll still have school because she's such an idiot.
We have the day off today because of the flooding that's going on around the town. We're very happy.
Due to a short post today, the song of the day is Phantom Ki by Kemic-Al, which is darkpsy. I consider darkpsy to be kinda like the death metal of techno, because it's very dark and very intense trance music. Not for the people just experiencing techno.