Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Presentation: Success.

Such a huge adrenaline rush today. I finally presented the idea of starting up a project on depression/suicide/self-injury awareness at my school to the health director. This was something that was supposed to happen two weeks ago but got cancelled because of huge flooding going on in my town. I was absolutely nerve-wracked, because me going in there and saying, "So, we still on this idea?" is a really unprofessional thing to do given that I clearly got shut down by another member of the health department a few months ago. However, I walked in much more confidently than I did the previous time, because he was all for it then and I know that because I have the backing of one of my town's most respected citizens (my psych) it would be very difficult for director-guy to say no.
Not only did I manage to wear him down to a "yes" in a matter of minutes, but I have him now trying to convince the health teachers for me to do this (as they were the ones who shut me down the last time), I have much more paths open for me that I managed to smash out of him.
Because my original intention was to just have an assembly at my school and I let that get demoted to talking in health classes, he imagined I would keep it that way. However, I managed to argue him into the possibility of having an assembly, talking to health classes, AND talking to parents at an after-school event! That took some considerable skill and connections to pull that off. I'm proud of myself.

Not only that, but yesterday I was in Chinese class when my teacher M.L. came up to me and asked if I'm still presenting about Finland today. About a week ago, she attacked my class about presenting a culture we know to other classes because this week is Foreign Language Week. I hesitantly said that I could do Finland, because my stepmom's from Finland so may as well make the foreign language department happy. Fast forward six days, I'm now flabbergasted because I don't know what to do for the stupid Finland presentation. I eventually settle with having people ask questions about Finland while some Finnish music is playing (Darude, Nightwish, etc.)
I walk into my designated class in a panic at 9:20. It turns out to be all freshmen, and the teacher is out. I proceed to spend the next half hour talking on and on about Finland, everyone's asking questions, it's very open and happy. I feel relaxed throughout the entire time! I walk into my next class just as confidently. It sucked. The class is really reserved because the teacher is there and she is asking so many boring questions like what my favourite food is and what reindeer are like. However, people seemed to enjoy it. I guess mainly because I was myself, which is prone to raunchiness (First class, "Why don't you change your name to Bananas?" "...I change my name to Bananas... So whenever people say that they like Bananas... Think about it for a couple seconds..." Second class, "So this is how you swear in Finnish! Everyone say Kyrpa! 8D"). All in all, I think this day went pretty well.

So in recognition of presenting to a bunch of radically different classes about Finland, I have the song of the day be a video of the day: How to Swear in Finnish!

1 comment:

  1. Good for you! -^^- Nice job, bud. I'm really happy for you.
