Monday, January 25, 2010

Peter Pan gone wrong!

As most of you know, this is a fact that I think most teenagers would always agree on; FINALS ARE EVIL. I'm having them right now, and it pretty much comes down to how fast can you rip out your brain and plant it onto a sheet of paper. For example, I took three classes this semester that actually required a final, one of which was today. It happened to be Math 4 level 1, which is one of the hardest math courses in my entire school. So come my entire final, I decided that it would be a great idea to take my time to make sure that everything's right. Well, come 14:10, most of the class has finished and left except for like five of us. My math teacher decides to tell us that we have five minutes until she's kicking us out of the room.
I never got to finish that final... I'm pretty sure I'm going to fail it now. It's pretty aggravating, but whatever.
In other news, I finally made a successful Borders trip! For the past four times I went there, I either had no money or couldn't find the book I wanted but now I have! This book I speak of is called The Child Thief by Brom, and it is in essence an extremely dark version of Peter Pan. I've loved Peter Pan my entire life so finding this book is a total bonus for me. My friend K.F.J. told me about it a couple months ago and how amazing it is, I immediately had to get it. K.F.J. is my oldest friend and she knows pretty much everything about me, so she knows exactly the books I love. It really isn't so hard, though; we have very similar tastes in music and literacy.
ALSO! I got the Avatar soundtrack and this book called Biohazard Moonseed with The Child Thief! All in all, the purchase would cost about $50, but I managed to take everything for $24~ I'm very proud of myself for using so much coupons and gift cards!
The soundtrack is very beautiful, so I'm pretty excited about listening to it.

I can't wait for my next semester; I have all my best subjects then and I just might take Digital Photo again. Digital photography is one of my talents, and I enjoy doing it very much. I took the class this semester, but I might become a teacher's assistant so I can practice it even more. If not then I'll just TA for the people supervising the gay straight alliance. It may not be that great but I've been a teacher assistant for the Chinese teacher this past year and if I sit in Chinese I one more time I think I'll have an ulcer...
In better news, the song of the day is Bad Romance by Lady Gaga.

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