I don't think I've been this happy in like... ever.
So there's this GLBT group-meeting thingy going on about an hour's train ride away from my house that I got some interest in from A.H-O. a couple weeks back. I decided to go this week just to try it out because I had nothing really to do. So, it happens every Wednesday so yesterday I took the train in and spent a little while at the library. Nothing big happened there, synced my local library card to the library there so now I can get books from both areas, read a book about Martin Luther in German for the hell of it and amidst deciphering it there was this group of people right behind me speaking fluent German. That was incredibly awkward.
So, 6pm comes around and I decide to head over to the meeting. It's held in a church, like a big gregarious church, so I'm a little intimidated. It didn't take long at all to realize that the meeting is held there due to a large amount of obviously gay people sitting around smoking and flirting with each other. I head inside because I knew it's going to take A.H-O. a flipping eternity to get there. In the meeting I find that the girl who saved K.V. and my asses to get into BAGLY prom was officiating the thing. I was so stoked. We go in, do check-in, I don't remember anyone's names from there except this really cool nerdy-looking girl called Lauren and a wanna-be surfer named Tyler. We then do this game where we write a fact about themselves and put in a hat then try to figure out whose fact is whose. I got bored half-way through and left to hang out with A.H-O. who just happened to show up.
This the scariest part of the entire trip: He was with my ex-stalker C.F. Nothing going on, just standing there talking. My insides turn outside, I want to scream, I feel dizzy. C.F. doesn't remember me like at all. Relief? FUCK YES.
After lolling around a little bit, A.H-O. and a couple of his friends decide to go to Burger King, and I tag along simply because I wanted to. I didn't get anything, but I dunked a Lindt peanut-butter thing in A.H-O's hood and pulled it over his head. He instantly freaks because he thought I put actual raw peanut butter in his hood and it would've ruined his hair (which really wouldn't matter because the drill camp he went to this weekend practically shaved him to a little fohawk) but T.K-H. was like "Umm... no." I then proceed to flirt with A. a little, like taking out some pocky and suggesting we play the pocky game (Google it if you don't know) before T.K-H. steals the bag and eats it herself, moving onto a variation of the pocky game called the Fiberone Bar game, then moving onto the condom game. After a while, they get their food and we sit down to eat. I steal a ton of T.'s fries, talk with A. about losing weight... Miley Cyrus came onto the radio so we booked it back to the meeting.
More time talking, and then I meet A.F. as he begins to hit on A.H-O. I hit on him a little, he hits on me, we hit on A.H-O., he hits on us, the statue hits on us, I hit on A.F... you get the picture. It all boils down to A.F. telling me that I'm hot and we start making out outside behind a column. More of us talking and hanging out, some random guy starts talking to me for no reason, I talk to him. Aaand random guy turns clingy, which I discovered when I tried to talk to any other guy and Random Guy freaks out like WHY AREN'T YOU TALKING TO ME?!?! It was just...awkward... Especially because I thought he was a girl at first (sparkly eyeliner, purse, hairband, sweatshirt thing with fur lining) and was like "I'm gay..." and he's like "I am too! 8D"
So eventually A.F. gets drawn into the meeting inside the church because the mediator comes running out screaming "HEY! WE'RE PLAYING SPIN THE BOTTLE WITH A WOODEN DILDO!" I head in for a little then got bored very quickly because it was some kind of safe version of spin-the-dildo where they just rattle off some memory about the other person then the two people swap spots. I head outside and start talking to A.H-O. and T.K-H.
At 8:30, I had to leave so I went inside to say by to A.F. which ensued us making out a little. I walk outside to say bye to the others when A.H-O. is like, "Okay, you just made out with A.F. for a looong time so I'm now really curious what you're like." Then he took my hand, led me to a corner of an alcove, shoved me against a wall and we proceeded to make out for 10 minutes. I swear, my heart was spasming the entire time I was so excited. Eventually I had to go, so we finally kissed goodbye, I kissed T.K-H on the cheek and took the train over to some random town where my mom was and we went home.
Total earthly joy? Yes. Is it enough to make me hopeful for the future? YES. I feel much more confident now after getting compliments from multiple people, getting the interest of multiple people, and making more friends. I think I'll be going here on a regular basis now. It's not so much the feeling that some people want to hook up with me that makes me happy, really. I just feel appreciated for who I am and my general appearance because I feel so unattractive most of the time. However these people aren't desperate nor are they close friends, they have no need to compliment me. So I feel much better about myself now that I'm getting compliments from nearly absolute strangers.
The song of the day is C'mon Girl by Red Hot Chili Peppers.