Everything seemed to happen last week, though. One of my exes just started talking to me out of nowhere and now we're hanging out this Saturday. I'm kinda scared about it because it's so sudden but I know it's just him having a bout of I-need-a-guy-to-hang-out-with-and/or-bang-senselessly. I'm kinda keeping it a secret from my friends though, because they'd just freak out and no good would come from that. As I type he and I are figuring out the details! I think I'll keep it a friendship though.
Also last week I signed up for the Mr. School competition to see who's the awesomest guy in the school. Kind of like a spoof of Mr. Universe or The Bachelor. I was originally going to go with K.K. but A.H. kind of freaked out at me for it because we planned on her being my sponsor last year. However, she's become a lot more possessive and possibly thoughtless as of late. I cannot say no because she tends to freak out at everything lately but over the past two months she's been insulting me like crazy. She's essentially called me a horrible artist on multiple occasions and that I shouldn't even bother doing art, that I'm just annoying when I'm having a bout of depression, but not only that but she's also been insulting my friends. She's called C.H. a bitch whose power has come to her head, M.F everything imaginable (which is understandable because very little of our friends do like her, but she doesn't even hold back for the friends that do. I've seen her insult M.F. a million times in front of people like C.M. who kind of curls into a little ball from such a high level of discomfort), and she's also announced that one of my closest friends is bi (Who's not even out of the closet anywhere except to her family) So right now I don't really trust her with any of my secrets, but she's forcing herself on me so I can't do anything.
But other than that I've been in an essentially good mood! I've been seeing Joe like crazy lately. I mean, we've had completely opposite travel routes in our school so that means we constantly run into each other between blocks, and we also have the same lunch, and the same travel route outside of school. Scarily enough, it's entirely unintentional! I actually try to avoid him so we don't bonk into each other, but somehow we still end up next to each other. I pretty much react this way internally,

I can see it now, utter perfection...
So I leave you now with a couple thoughts about me;
- I'm debating whether to use my gay powers to make awesome-sexy school-crush bi-curious (can't hurt trying, right?)
- I'm supposed to be studying for finals but I don't exactly care.
- The song of the day is Saeed by Infected Mushroom.
I feel bad saying this, but I kind of agree about A.H... like, I know she's my girlfriend, and I can't stand M.F. as well, but she kinda needs to tone it down...
ReplyDeleteOh, and I love your illustrations. -^^-
[So much for friends not finding out about your plans... is this who I think it is? Z.S.? If so, I'm glad you're doing well and I'm proud of you for resolving to keep it a friendship. <3]
And now I'm off to do my 5 missing psychology assignments that have left me with a 27 as my average for the quarter...