So, let's start off with today. Today, I actually decided I'm going to get things done. I didn't. I did a couple loads of laundry, which is an entirely horrifying process I'm going to get into sometime, and I dyed my hair.
One thing about me is that I loooove to change my hair. I'm like a fashion model with my hair, it changes drastically at least once every couple months. I've had it blue, blonde, black, medium brown, and auburn so far. My natural hair colour is about dark brown, a kind of honey-chestnut colour. I do know that I don't like my hair medium-length though, which is probably why I'm never going to have my hair long. When my hair's medium-length (like emo-length), it starts to turn into some form of afro-mushroom-thing, and if I try to straighten it I look like a total douche.
Out of all the colours I've had so far, I like having blue and red hair the best. I can't do blue, though, because I'm trying to get a job at Starbucks, so I chose to go for red. It's been a few months since I last dyed my hair so I figured now would be a good time. Whip out some red hair dye (auburn brown, if anyone's interested) and splotch it on. Instructions say 25 minutes, so I wait a tiny bit longer just to be neurotic. I finish dying it and finally look in the mirror... most that happened is my forelock got a reddish tinge and the rest of my hair has a weird tint that you can only tell if you're in the right light. And a red scalp. It doesn't work that way...
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